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Check out my newest story called 'Paper Love' !!
I finally got some ideas! Yay! Onward with NaruIno!

[Ino PoV]

It's been about 2 months since we found Konohamaru, Moegi, Udon, and Hanabi out in that store, and now I was out looting with Sakura and Tsunade again. I just needed someone to talk about my... suspicions... with. They'd know, right? If not I think I might go mentally insane. It's literally driving me crazy.

"Ino, you look like you've gained some! Have you been eating too much ramen?" Tsunade asked amused. I blushed and shook my head when Sakura came up behind us.

"Look what I found!" She said holding up a box of pregnancy tests. I gulped.

"W-What would we need those for?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know, Tenten's with Neji, Hinata and Kankuro, Gaara's with Masturi, Shikamaru and Temari... You and Natuto. I just thought they might come in handy one day, ya know?" She asked. I couldn't help it. I grabbed the box and raced towards the bathroom, or what used to be the bathroom. This place is pretty demolished.

"Ino? Are you okay, what's the matter?" Tsunade asked from outside the door. I started a timer on my phone then let Tsunade in. "What's the matter? Why'd you run off?" She asked coming in. She's his godmother.... I can tell her, right?

"T-Tsunade?" I asked in a shaky tone.

"Yeah what is it?" Okay, this might answer her question:


[Tsunade PoV]

Why is she throwing up? Is she okay? Is she sick? Is she-? Wait. Wait wait wait wait wait. She's not? Can't be? She better not be?!

The fat.

The test.

The puke.

The eating.

Suspicions confirmed. 

"Ino." I said sitting down and rubbing her back. She looked at me and a little puke dribbled down her chin. She cleared her throat.

"Mhm, yeah?" She said hoarsely. I gave her a knowing look and she broke down in front of me. She leaned her head on my shoulder and there was a small beep. She looked at her phone and set it down on the floor.

"Timer." She said shakily. She took a stick off the counter and looked at it. Her eyes widened and she threw it across the room.

"FUCK!" She yelled and tucked her head between her legs. I rubbed her back comfortingly ans she kept crying. "Why? WHY? I don't want a kid in the middle of a war!" She rocked back and forth with her head still in between her knees when Sakura came in. She looked at Ino, then me, then around the room. Upon seeing the phone timer and the stick on the floor realization dawned on her and she sat down with Ino and I on the floor.

"Hey," Sakura said softly putting a hand on Ino's shoulder. "It's not that bad! I mean, look at Sasuke, Sarada, and I. We're happy! You and Naruto can be the same. Plus, when you're carrying you can get everything done for you. Anything with a snap of your fingers!" Sakura said snapping her fingers together for effect. Ino sighed and looked up at Sakura.

"He's gonna leave me." She monotoned. I could tell this was really killing her on the inside. Why though? Shouldn't she be happy? Glad? Excited? Something of that sort? I don't know I've never been pregnant. I'm a doctor though!

"He's not gonna leave you! And even if he does, me Hinata, Tenten, Temari, Tsunade, Masturi, Tamaki, and I will beat the shit outta him! And Sasuke will too!" Sakura said shaking Ino's shoulder. She sighed and shook her head to get the bangs out of her eyes.

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