Carnival part 1

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This is the carnival scene in Justice League vs. Teen titans. Just thought I'd try to write it :) Enjoy! 

Damian's POV

If the Tamaranean did not stop saying the word fun, Damian swore there was going to be crime scene to clean up by the end of the night. Safe to say, a childish carnival was the last place on Earth he wanted to be tonight. 

Especially with the rising threat the Justice league was facing down in Metropolis and around the world, not that he knew anything about it since he has banned from the Batcave. Of course that hadn't stopped him from hacking into his fathers computer right before he was shipped off to work with the so called 'Teen Titans'.  

Just the thought of working with these children made him want to stab something, his grandfather would be outraged to hear his heir was forced to work with a bunch of moody teens who could barely handle their own powers. Some team they were, they hadn't even noticed when he stuck tracking devices on all their uniforms. Not to get him started on their security ,Kori's laptop password was nightwing<3 for Lazarus's sake. 

His brooding was momentarily interrupted when Jaime let out a yelp of surprise when he was struck by the handle of Damian's sword. "Dude, did you have to bring the sword?!".

"Preparedness is a pre-requisite for victory" Damian replied matter-of-factly. These children did not think as soldiers were suppose to, they wouldn't survive one week at the league. It was pathetic that his father thought he could learn teamwork from them. He would rather scale the mountains near the league with no shoes then spend another afternoon than learn anything from them. 

"The gear stays in the car Damian, tonight we are to enjoy some" Kori replied in a tone that was meant to be cheerful but came out questioning. Damian huffed and left the sword in the car. Truly children. He missed the weight of it at his hip already. He was sure this whole experience was a grave mistake, he was waiting for his father to come to the same realization.

They entered the carnival and were immediately herded towards the ferris wheel by Garfield and Kori. Why a group of teenagers who could fly wanted to ride a contraption that hardly went up to fifty feet he did not know, but he followed them anyways. Splitting up was an amateur's mistake.  

Garfield and Jaime claimed the red booth when the ride circled to a stop, daring each other to see who could swing the booth the most, while Kori went to go buy some popcorn. Which left Damian to debate between sitting next to Raven for the next three minutes or making up an excuse about a sudden headache and leaving the carnival altogether. He was still debating his options when the next booth opened up and he was nudged up by Raven. He tried not to think about the raven-haired girl as they sat together. Every time he did, he couldn't stop thinking of all the memories he had seen when she had healed him. 

He hadn't seen much but from the glimpses he had gathered he got the sense that her life was like one of a sailor lost at sea with a raging storm approaching; lonely, lost and frightened. As much as he hated to admit it, it reminded him of his own childhood. He loved his grandfather, but he was never sure if his grandfather loved him. His grandfathers upbringing meant he never knew whether to expect a pat on the back or an order spend the night outside of the base in the mountains during a winter storm (as a survival exercise). His grandfather rarely ever gave him a compliment, instead he opted to constantly tell Damian how he had to improve if he one day wanted to lead the league. His mother was no better, she believed that declarations of love were to be used only in the most dire situations. It wasn't like he was a child who constantly needed the approval of his elders but he would've liked to hear- for once- that they appreciated all that he did for them.

Damian was so deep in all of these thoughts he had almost forgotten Raven was there.  But when he caught the movement of her onyx hair he turned to look at her. Seeing her now, haloed by the flashing lights of the carnival, with her amethyst eyes looking down with a soft look of curiosity, it was impossible to believe he had glimpsed a red, fire breathing demon in her mind. No, she looked more like she belonged in a poem than a story with demons. He was just about to look away when she turned to look at him too and their eyes connected. They both seemed surprised by the others attention and glanced away, cheeks flaming from the brief encounter. 

Damian felt embarrassed at being caught staring and even more flustered when he saw that her cheeks had reddened the slightest bit. Did she...think he had a crush on her? Was she...embarrassed? Why did that thought sting?

' For Lazarus's sake' he thought annoyed with himself, this was ridiculous, he had a mission and this was a waste of time. This was why he did not want to be part of a team or come to a stupid carnival. These juvenile feelings were beyond him, he was the heir of two great bloodlines and he was going to lead the world into a new era. He did not have time to think of jewel toned eyes or girls with mysterious backstories. 

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