Alternate version of events 2

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Hello loves! I think this is going to be my longest chapter yet, this kind of a preemptive apology because I won't be able to post for at least 3 weeks. Quick reminder than this takes place during Apokolips Wars. This is my version of events that would have taken place if Raven had gone with Damian to the league. Enjoy!  

Raven's POV:

The first couple of weeks were a challenge to say the least. The first thing they did when they got to the base was lay Dick to rest on a mountaintop near the base, at the honoured place where the finest league warriors were buried. The rest of the titans were too...shredded to be moved, so they were buried near the titan tower. The funerals were painful to say the least. Only Damian could keep it together long enough to give a speech and even he left halfway through, unable to speak about his father or Dick. Alfred had silent tears falling through the whole event, even Superboy seemed too choked up to speak. Raven had opted out of attending the funerals. She couldn't stand to be near the graves, knowing that she had survived and the ones closest to her had not. She was barely hanging on to her emotions as it was, being at the funeral would have tipped her over the edge. 

After the funerals, Alfred went back to Gotham to manage Wayne Enterprises despite Damian's insistence that he stay at the League. Superboy left too, saying that he wanted to defend Metropolis now that their top gun was missing. And so only Raven and Damian were left to restart the league. And Titus of course. 

They planned on training some of the old shadow members and recruiting people they knew had potential and the right moral code. It was important for them to establish the right values in this new league, they couldn't have killers on the team. The league was about justice not vengeance. Once they had trained the members, they would send them out to various locations around the world where anarchy and chaos was most rampant. 

 Although Damian seemed eager to have Raven lead with him, she had a feeling he regretted that decision a little after the first couple weeks. They bickered about everything, never quite agreeing on each others style of teaching, or recruitment or anything else that concerned the league. 

While Raven had trained under a warm and optimistic Koriandr who never believed in pushing someone further than they could go, Damian had trained under the legendary and ruthless Ras Al Ghul, who used considered limits to only exist in the mind and punished anyone who showed signs of weakness. Safe to say it wasn't all smooth sailing when it came to deciding which training method to go with. 

Damian would continuously push the recruits to do more, constantly reminding them that the world needed discipline now more than ever. Raven on the other hand had surprisingly enough adopted the role of a confidant, and found herself often comforting the recruits and healing them when they had been pushed too far. 

It was something she would have never believed she was capable of. She had always had Kori or Garfield or even Dick take on that role, but now that they weren't there she realized how important it was for someone to keep up the spirits of the shadow members. And so she had slid into that role. It didn't mean she had suddenly become as loving or charismatic as Kori or Garfield but she had her own quiet ways of helping the recruits. Often staying up with them at night when they had a nightmare with a mug of tea and open ears if they needed someone to talk to. 

Damian believed she was coddling them. She had effectively smacked that thought from his head.

Teaching methods aside, they both shared the role of training equally, Raven teaching the recruits about how to delve into one self till you reached a state of clarity and calmness that allowed you take on multiple assailants at once. She also trained them on how to battle someone with magic. Damian would teach them the finer points of using swords and guns. Together they would teach the league members about true justice and how to protect the citizens. Even Titus helped in his own way, often trailing the shadow members when they went on runs. 

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