Alternate version of events part 3

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Hi loves! I'm back! This will be the last chapter of "Alternate version of events". Enjoy!

Damian's POV 

He stood there stunned, lips still tingling, heart still racing. Had he imagined the last five minutes? Raven had left in such a hurry it almost seemed like the whole thing had been his imagination. But it couldn't have been a dream, he could still smell Ravens lilac and mist scent, still taste her on his lips.

What had just happened? Why had she left? Did she...regret it? Had he... forced himself on her?

The thought made him shudder with disgust. He couldn't follow in the footsteps of his mother. Just the thought of what she had he had been consummated made him want peel his skin off. A part of him would always hate his mother for what she had done, would always hate himself for how he was made.

The thought that he had done to Raven what Talia had done to Bruce made him want to run a sword through himself.

But no, he knew that Raven had reciprocated his actions, she had filled that last gap between them. He had felt her sink into the kiss just as much as he had. So.... why had she left? Maybe she needed time to think? He reasoned with himself. 

Damian took a deep breathe and tried to shake off the stupor the kiss had left him in. If she had regretted the kiss, then they could talk about it when she returned. No reason for this lapse of judgment to affect their partnership. 

Damian tried to be pragmatic about it, even though the thought of Raven not reciprocating his feelings made his heart sink in his chest. But he could set aside his feelings and respect her choice to just remain friends. It would always be her choice in the end.

 He would not be like his mother, forcing himself upon someone because they showed the slightest bit of interest. No, he owed his father more than that.  He had once vowed to himself to be worthy of his father. To prove to him that he was better than his origins. That was another reason he hated himself, because he hadn't fulfilled that vow before his father...

Damian stopped that thought before it could go further, he had more things to worry about at the moment. Maybe when things settled down he could go down that path. For now, he set aside all thoughts of Raven and his Father and went to train his league. 


Three days.

 It had been three days since their kiss and Damian had just about driven himself and everyone else up the wall with his worrying. That first night, he had been fine, slightly concerned that Raven hadn't come back to the compound but he respected her space, so he didn't fret. She tended to meditate overnight in Azarath whenever she was feeling overwhelmed. 

The second day was when his concerns had grown. She had still not returned, which was very odd indeed. She never missed a meditation class, and yet there her students were, standing around the courtyard, patiently waiting for their teacher for over one and half hour before one of the dared approach Damian in his office to inform him that Raven hadn't come. 

Damian had schooled his features to hide his worry and informed the students that Raven had left for an important mission and would be back later. No need for the students to worry with him. After that Damian had taken it upon himself to teach the rest of her classes, being more tough than usual on the students due to his growing frustration and concern for Raven. His worry had made him more agitated than usual, he would snap at the members if they did even one misstep. And if he wasn't snapping at them, he would be constantly turning his head towards the door at the slightest noise, expecting Raven to walk through the door at any moment. 

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