part 9 x

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the waiter directed us to a table near the back of the restaurant, which i preferred since it was quieter. we both thanked the waiter and sat down, still taking in the atmosphere of the restaurant around us

"didnt think of you as a romantic, Lenney"

he smirked at me while looking down, making him seem embarrassed at what i just said

"there's a lot you don't know about me, India"

i smiled and looked at the menu, still thinking about what he just said in my head.
i want to get to know Will.
there's something about him that's different to other boys i've been with.

"good evening both, i hope you're well. i'll be taking your order today. would you both like some drinks?"

the waiter stood at the front of our table with a notepad in his hand. i looked over at Will, who slightly parted his lips while he listened to the waiter.
he then looked at me with a smile

"we'll have a bottle of moët & chandon please"

oh wow, very fancy

"of course sir, coming right up"
the waiter then walked away to get us the champagne

"wow Lenney, didn't realise being a Youtuber made you live in luxury"
i said sarcastically, he laughed again at me. i would say i'm quite funny, but that's from my point of view, i'm glad he gets my humour though.
we sat there silently for a few seconds, before Will spoke

"what made you move in with Josh?"

i thought about it for a second. why did i actually want too? i mean yeah it's an experience, but i could've saved up and moved out myself, with my friends (well, not that i had any, but i could've made some) not my younger brother.

"i guess it's because me and Josh haven't always got along. i mean, we've got a similar career so i would like us to maybe help eachother out, since he's a lot more experienced than i am in the whole thing. i think i just wanted to try something new, maybe thinking we would become closer if we lived together, without my mums on our back all the time. i didn't really think much about it. kind of just said fuck it, why not"

Will laughed at the last part and looked away, which made me blush and laugh back

"i'm glad i did though" i added
Will quickly looked back at me, and moved his hand to the centre of the table, initiating for me to hold his hand, i moved mine to the table before we heard a voice

"your champagne" the waiter pops the champagne and offers to pour it for us

"madame" i smile and hand him my glass, watching him tilt the glass and slowly pour the sparkling drink. he finishes and hands me the glass while i thank him

"and for you sir" the waiter offers for Will's glass, which he gives him. the waiter does the same, and hands it to him back. he then places the rest of the champagne into an ice bucket, which he lays on the end of our table

Will raises his glass, and i meet it into the middle before taking a sip. it was amazing, i've never tasted something like it. props to Will for ordering it, but then it is expensive so now i feel bad

"wow" i said after taking a sip "this is amazing"

"awh belter, i'm glad you approve" he gives his cheeky smile after taking a sip and sets his glass down, while i did the same

the waiter came back after a few minutes and let's us order. Will orders a steak, while i got the truffle pasta (which i've actually never tried btw, i saw loads of people post about it on instagram and it looked so good)

our food came shortly after and we both tucked in. the food was amazing, making the date perfect.

i'm so sorry about forgetting about this book

i didn't even realise wattpad had an app so i now get notifications when you all vote, comment or add my boon to your reading lists. thank you so much if you have btw </3

i'll be uploading a lot more frequently on

kiera x

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