part 4 x

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will's POV

i unlocked my door, very eager to finally meet josh's sister, india. ive seen her on instagram so many times, and she does follow me which is a bonus ;)

she's stunning

so so so stunning

but she is josh's sister, will. dont get to ahead of yourself for fuck sake.

i walked into my flat and shouted "GEE IM HOME" while taking my shoes off. gee was standing in the kitchen on her phone.

"oh hey! im going to josh's in a bit by the way so your going to have to make food or order food. also, josh and india are here too so dont make them starve"

"oh shit, didnt realise they already moved in" 

gee laughed "yes will, they're literally here right now. i suggest you go and say hi, fucking mong like" she rolled her eyes and went into her room to get her things to head to joshs

i hasd no idea whos room was whos. there was a spare room by mine and the other was by gee's. i headed to the one by mine first, thinking i would see josh

i knocked and opened the door 

too see india

"oh, hey india. ummm i was expecting this room to be josh's to be honest haha"

she smiled "no sorry to disappoint, its mine"

"oh no im not disappointed if you think that. have you nearly unpacked? as i was gonna order dominoes soon as gee normally cooks but shes going to josh's soon, only if your hungry though"

"that would be perfect actually, thanks" she smiled again. fuck shes hot

"okay great, ill go and see josh and then ill order it and we can watch a film or something?" 


indias pov


josh actually fucking shut up

i hear will laughing at josh, he's actually going to make josh think hes funny but hes really not oh my god like

i opened my door a bit too dramaticly but no one noticed so i didnt panic. i walked over to the couch and sat down next to will, he smiled at me and offered me a slice of pizza. i accepted, obviously, who do you think i am haha.


not fucking again

"josh i swear to fuck, its been one day and im already sick of you. shut up" will looked at me and made a face like he was scared, i playfully punched him and i think he picked up on the filrtyness. he pretended to cry and i rubbed his arm

"aweee is WillNE a iccle pussy?" he nodded and laughed, i rolled my eyes and giggled too. me and will get along quite well, andddd yes hes fit

wow india first day and you've fallen for Lenney

nice one

we did in fact end up watching finding nemo as josh wouldnt shut up about it but we did talk throughout the whole thing. turns out nina, josh's girlfriend, is coming to stay with us for a bit soon and that will wants to make me a youtube which im so down for. he said it will be good as i already have a following on social media so i dont really need to start from scratch.

i checked my phone


i am so tired

and so was everyone else, will had fallen asleep on me with his arm around me which was in fact very comfy but i dont think he intended to do it and josh

to be honest i dont know what the fuck he looked like

"will" i shook him and he opened his eyes slowly


"its 10 to twelve and your falling asleep, you going to bed or?" i asked and he stared at me with a smirk

"if only i can sleep with you then yes" i smiled and knew he was playing a little game

oh lenney, what are you doing to me


love this chapter tbh lads

lenney isa bit of a flirt haha

sorry for not being active aswell, gonna try and update more ana

if i dont then spam the comments because i do see them hahaha ill shut up now

loves u x

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