part 5 x

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will's POV

i heard her move to check her phone and mumble a small 'shit'

"will" she muffled

"mhmmm?" were the only words i could get out, i was pretty tired

"its 10 to twelve, are you going to sleep?"

this was my fucking chance. make your move will

"only if i could sleep with you then yes"

she stared at me and she looked quite lifeless. she looked as though she was thinking of what to say. i felt a bit concerned, like i made a move too quickly. fuck will, what have you done like.

"i- im sorry" was all i could say, i wriggled and attempted to get up

"dont be, i want too"

i turned around to face her like i just won jackpot on bingo "are you sure? i dont want it too seem like im forcing you" i said, concerned

"no, i promise, i want too" she smiled at me while standing out, holding out her hand for me to take. she took the lead and went first into my room.

she sat down on my bed and gave a welcoming smile. i knew she was awkward but she didnt want to come across as it, i do really love her for that. 

i took off my top, holding it in my hand and said "im going to go to the bathroom, ill be back in 2" india nodded and i grinned while walking to the bathroom.

Indias pov

i sat on wills bed, waiting for him to come back. i didnt have any makeup on so i didnt have to take any off but i didnt have any pyjamas. i do normally sleep quite bare, meaning just my underwear but obviously i couldnt do that here. i opened a draw in wills room finding all of his t shirts, bingo.i stripped off and i put the first t shirt i could see on over my underwear not even taking time to think if will would care or not. it was a guess t shirt and it was really oversized on me, i actually really liked it.

will came out of the bathroom in just his calvin kleins. he gazed at me and smirked

"you look better in it than i do" oh is he really trying to flirt with me?

"shut it lenney" i playfully hit his shoulder but he put his arm around my waist, holding me to his chest like i was valuable. it was comforting, i smiled at him and wriggled loose while he stared in confusion like he did something wrong

"your going to have to try harder WillNE. do you really think it wouldve been that simple?" he knew i was playing a game and that he 100% wanted to play

he winked at me and said "oh mate your on" 

the fun begins

India is going to make this so hard for will bless 'im 

but ello lads how are u

am fine but schools sucks dick so i can only publish ana in the nights

so bare with me xxx

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