part 7 x

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india's pov
i woke up still cuddled up to Will. i'm so worries about Josh finding out, i feel like he's going to be so pissed with me.
i checked my phone after searching for it for a while.


Josh wouldn't be up, i'll be able to go to my room without him knowing.
"Lenney" i whispered "wake up"

"mmmm" he groaned

i rolled my eyes and started to shake his arm lightly. he didn't move. i opened my phone onto youtube and brought up his channel, i played his recent videos intro right into his ear

Will shot up and looked at me so confused, his eyes were wide open. i was laughing and he fell right back into his pillow

"i'm sorry but that's the only way you'd wake up" i explained, he smiled and laughed

"i didn't realise my intros were that loud to be honest" he turned to the side and used his elbow to support his head up

"basically it's nearly 10am, Josh normally wakes up around that time and i need to go to my room to pretend i stayed there last night since it's the first night here, i don't want him angry with me"

Will listened and nodded, he walked over to his wardrobe to put on joggers while i collected all my clothes. Will took the lead as we walked to the door

"thank you for for last night, you didn't have to stay but i'm glad you did" i turned around and smiled at him

"i'm glad i did too" he smiled back at me and opened the door for me
i walked out the door still smiling. there's something about that boy but i don't know what.

i got outside my door and quickly let myself in without anyone seeing. i dropped all my clothes and jumped onto my bed and checked my phone to see a text from Josh.

Josh: hey hope you're up, want any breakfast?

                                    India: hey umm yeah sure x

Josh: it'll be done in 5 x

                                     India: thanku :) x
                                                            seen: 10:02am

i went off our messages and noticed a text from "Big Muscles Will x"

Big Muscles Will x: Hey, i saved my number on your phone. Hope that doesn't sound like i'm a fucking creep, are you free tomorrow night? Or we could do something in the day if you prefer x
sent 11:15pm

that's tonight. i really want to see Will but what do i tell Josh? i could just say Will is showing me around the area for a bit but wouldn't that sound suspicious?

India: hey lenney. yes i'm free today whenever, what you thinking of doing? x

i checked instagram while waiting for a reply

Will's POV
India was walking towards the door but i didn't want her to leave

"thank you for last night" i quickly said and she turned to face me  "you didn't have to stay but i'm glad you did"

"i'm glad i stayed too" India smiled at me while i opened the door for her to leave

i noticed her still smiling when she left, i really hope i make her happy. i walked back over to my bed and went on my phone. i liked a few youtube comments from my video a few days ago

India x: hey lenney. yes i'm free today whenever, what were you thinking of doing? x
sent 10:06am

i totally forgot i saved my number in her phone last night, i'm so glad i did since now i get to see her again.

i could take her to that new coffee shop in London if she wanted to do something today. But then there's that restaurant we could go to tonight that Gee recommended, i think that's the better option

                                   Will: There's this Italian  restaurant not far from here i want too take you too, Gee recommended it
                                                            sent: 10:07am

India x: ooo classy Lenney, i like it. is 7 okay? x
sent: 10:07am
                         Will: Perfect, see you later babe x
                                                           seen: 10:08am

wow okay i'm actually alive lmaooo
yeah i'll try and update again, i haven't abandoned this i've just forgot okkk

thanku for all the support n love x
kiera x

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