part 2 x

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Josh's POV

i scrolled through the comments on Will's tweet and honestly felt so left out. i knew my mum would never let me move into Will's new apartment in London. my mum has no trust in me since i threw a massive party when she went away for the weekend, India was at a festival but came home early as she had her phone stolen. was totally worth it though

i really need to move into Will's. This would be so good for my channel and my own benefit. I'd be able to collaborate more with George and maybe even Will, that would be so fucking good.

i sat back in my gaming chair and thought about how i can do this and earn my mums trust back. i thought for a while and eventually gave up until i saw my phone

@IndiaGrace liked your photo!

oh my god. India. she can help me! i quickly picked myself up off my chair and threw open my door, i put my hand on my sister's door and stopped myself. Josh she literally fucking hates you, why would you use her like this? i sighed. quickly the door swung open and i jumped and took my hand off the handle. India stood there and raised her eyebrows

"what are you doing?" she stood there ready for bed and her hair was in a high messy bun.

"i needed to ask you something but i-" i was cut off

"can it wait? i need to piss" she walked into the bathroom and locked the door, she wasn't in there long. she opened the door and told me to come into her room.

"so what did you want?" she sat down in front of her desk and started putting moisturiser on her face with her back to me

"it's kind of a big ask, i expect you to say no" i tried not to sound disappointed.

she stopped doing what she was doing and turned to face me

"well what is it?" she sounded concerned

"oh right um" i looked down and played with the ends of the sleeve of my hoodie "well, Will has moved into a -" i got cut off and i looked up and locked eyes with her.

"its a yes" she gave me a smile and i look shocked yet confused

"what do you mean? are you serious? you didn't even let me finish!" i raised my voice a bit at the end and she explained how she saw the tweet on twitter and how she thought it would be good if she socialised more. india didn't have many friends as she was home schooled and then she started collage and dropped out due to her anxiety. i agreed how this would be perfect for her.

"i'm not sure if you heard but me and mum have been fighting a lot" she sounded upset

"why?" i looked at her, already knowing why as i heard the two arguing downstairs the other night. we stayed quiet for a while as we were just thinking to ourselves

"india, i don't want to come across like i've forced you into coming with me"

"Josh you haven't. I'm 21 and I've wanted to move out for a while but i was just struggling with money and my mental health. i wouldn't be able to afford most things so i was actually hoping for you to ask me to come with you. i'd be surronded by a bunch of people that i won't know but i'll try to get to know as bet i can, and also you now how i act and what i'm like so you can help me stay on track" she had tears in her eyes as she knew this was going to be difficult for her. India tries her up most to not make her anxiety over come her and i know she's trying now.

I stared at her and she knew i was happy.

"thank you for doing this for me, i really appreciate it. this will be really good for the both of us" i brung her into a hug and we stayed like that for a while. me and my sister have never gotten along this well since we were kids. she's 3 years older than me.

now we just have to tell my mum...

Hey!! this chapter is pretty boring but you needed to know how Josh was able to move out and how India went with soooo yeah haha.

thanks for all the support x

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