part 11 x

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India's POV

"India, explain?"

My mind thought of probably a thousand different things to say, do i stick with the same story? This definitely could be a coincidence that we walked in at the same time, how does Josh know that Will just had a similar plan to me tonight?

But then i remembered, fuck, he did tell Josh earlier he was going on a date. But that doesn't necessarily mean me? He's a YouTuber, i'm sure loads of girls would like want a date with him

"Explain what?"

It's all i could think of to say, I cant tell him this early no way. We've been here for what, a couple days and Josh is going to think i've moved here to hookup with his YouTuber friends.
Fuck, was this even a good idea after all? We do get along but should I of even gone this far? I can always back out now and forget this even happened, or i can just lie and continue this lie until what? I get found out further down the line?
That would be the worst. I could then lie again and say it happened later on?

God India what is wrong with you? Moved to a new city and what, we lie now?

This whole time Will just stood slightly behind me by the door, he was definitely more scared than i was. I would be too if i was in his position, this is so awkward.

"You both look like you've just been out together, that's all" Josh states, while looking at us suspiciously as we stand there not giving him any sort of reactions back

"I told you Josh, i've been out with a friend, thought you would've liked the fact i've put myself out there this early. I had a restaurant recommendation so i checked it out, you should definitely go"

I wasn't exactly lying, i HAD been out with a friend, or so i think he is, and we had gone to a restaurant recommendation, it was just certain parts that i had missed out to keep Josh out of what was going on right now. It's definitely too early, not just for him, but for all of us, which is why it was so risky.

"Will can speak for himself i haven't spoken to him today"
I walked over to the kitchen counter, taking my jacket off as i walked there and placed it down, making myself a drink now as i did actually need one. I thought i had nearly got found out, i poured myself some wine that was on the side while peering up at Will who still was stood in the same place by the door.

"I went on that date, remember?" Will raises his eyebrows at Josh, while Josh looks like he just had a lightbulb moment as his eyes lit up and he excitedly points at Will to show he remembered.

"Mr WILLNE you fucking man" Josh walks over to Will, putting his arm over his shoulder "i remember you saying, how did it go fella?"

Josh walks Will over to the sofa, sitting him down and decides that he wants to know every single detail about this date apparently. In my head i thought this was such a female thing to do, but aye boys will be boys and i just left him too it.

I still had my drink, and i collected my coat on the side of the counter as i walked over to my room and opened the door. Before walking in, i turned my head too see Will looking right back at me, giving me that comforting smile that i was wanting. I blushed and smiled back, the anxiety left my body knowing that our little secret was still our little secret.

I quietly closed my door and slumped onto my bed. I felt like a high school girl dwelling over her new little crush, and i felt even more pathetic about the fact i met him yesterday.

I don't even know him properly yet.

This could all be an act.

I didn't want to just lay here and fantasise about my new silly little YouTuber crush, so i got up to change and get ready for bed. Putting my beige, cotton pyjamas on and started to remove my makeup from tonight.

I got into bed and flicked through the pictures i took from tonight, there was a few selfies, and a few mirror selfies which really showed off my makeup and hair really nicely.

I chose on a mirror photo to post

@IndiaGrace: She's a London girl now 💋

I liked and replied to a few comments, and i knew i was waiting for that one notification to pop up.

That one fucking name, and i hated myself for it.

India, just go to sleep. He's probably busy.

so uhhh it's been a few years since the last update, i don't actually know if any of you still read or want updates from this book but yeah hahaha
i totally forgot i even made this, i reread it for the first time the other day and i'm actually still invested

the fact i think a book i made when i was 15 is good pains me but there we are

let me know if any of you still read this!

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