part 8 x

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India's POV
i showered and did my makeup, i didn't go too full out so i kept my look simple. i decided to put on a cute bodysuit, jeans, simple heels and i paired my outfit with a cute shoulder bag.
i checked my phone

shit i better see if wills ready

i realised that it might be a bit suspicious if myself and will both go out at the same time, especially if i'm dressed so nice. everyone will suspect our date, if that's what it is?
i opened my phone to text will

India: We'll have to leave at different times to make this not look suspicious since, you know, nobody knows about this x

                                Big Muscles Will x: You ready now? i can leave first and i'll pull the car up around the back of the building to take us x

India: Okay, i'll wait for you to leave x
seen 6:48pm

i touched up my makeup for a bit until i heard Will's door close, he walked past my room and headed for the front door

"where you going dressed like that then lenney?"

shit that was Josh, fuck. i didn't realise he was still here, i thought he went out.

"oh ummm, i've got a date"
apparently Will couldn't think of anything else, if he drops me in it now he's actually dead. it's way too early to tell Josh yet.

"a date? I didn't realise you were looking for someone new, especially after Mia?"

wait what? who the fuck is Mia? why didn't Will tell me he had a recent ex?

"oh umm yeah ahah neither, it just kinda happened i guess. i'll be back around 10"
Will opened the front door and left, i just had to wait until he pulled up around the back and then i could leave. i had to make sure Josh weren't suspicious of us.

it's now 6:54pm and i got a text from Will saying he was around the back of our flat, i put my heels on and decided to leave so he wasn't waiting. i slowly opened my door and looked to see if i could see Josh.

i couldn't see him anywhere

his bedroom door was closed so i'm assuming he's making a video or something.

i walked over to the door trying not to make as much sound as possible. i slowly opened the door without a sound and left without being seen, wow, and in heels? that's talent

while i was walking down the apartment block steps that's all i could think about is this "Mia", was this recent? do they still talk? is Will just using me to get back at Mia? no no no he can't be, just have a nice date with Will. he seems so genuine to you, don't overthink things, not this early.

i walked out of the apartment block too see Will in his car waiting

wow he looked SO good

i opened the passenger door and Will smiled at me while i got into the car

"you look stunning"

i shyly smiled while closing the car door

"thank you, so do you"

he smiled back

"we ready to go?"

i nodded and he drove off. the restaurant was fairly close to our apartment so it didn't take us long to get there. Will parked the car and we headed to the restaurant

the restaurant was honestly so pretty. inside, it was like a huge theatre with a beautiful chandelier directly in the middle of the ceiling. the atmosphere of the restaurant was nothing i thought it would've been, i love it


was all i could say. will looked down at me and smiled

"i had to take you here, it's beautiful isn't it?"

i nodded, will looked back up and slipped his hand into mine and gently squeezed it. i quickly looked up and him and smiled.

this was going to be a good date for sure

plsss forgive me for not updating this, as i said before i wrote 3 chapters and then got a new phone so they all deleted :(
i had to try and remember what i wrote for this one so sorry it took so long

i'll be updating more because of quarantine so i'll have a lot of time!

kiera xx

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