part 10 x

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Will paid for the food, i offered but of course he declined. we walked out and headed back into wills car, going back to our apartment.

the car journey was quiet, but it was nice. we enjoyed each other's company, giving each other a smile every so often. i noticed Will stare at me a few times thinking i didn't notice, but i did. i took it as a compliment, and didn't call him out on it.

after a short journey we arrived back at our apartment. Will parked the car in his parking space, and we sat there for a while before i spoke

"we didn't think about this part did we" i looked up at him, he raised his eyebrows confused
"going back into the apartment? they're gonna know?" he leaned his head into his hand as he realised the problem

"it's too soon for them to know" i added on, he looked up at me and nodded. he stayed silent as he thought.

"we're going to have to do the same thing that we did to come out. the one at a time idea"

"it's gonna have to be, i'll go first since you're driving"

Will nodded and smiled at me, i opened the door ready to leave as he didn't say much but he grabbed my hand.

"thank you for tonight, i really enjoyed it"

it caught me off guard a bit since i thought he was giving me the silent treatment. i blushed, and looked down at my hand which Will was still holding and then finally let go of. i opened the car door and left the car, walking over to the reception of our apartment block, then going up the elevator. i slumped back into the elevator and sighed. Will made me feel special, i've never been treated this way before and i'm not used to it. my ex was a whole different story, he cheated numerous time and i never wanted another relationship after him.

the elevator dinged, stopping at my floor. i walked over to my shared apartment, trying to slowly open the door not to wake anyone up since it was nearly 11pm. Josh was probably awake, since he stays up pretty late. i'm not sure if anyone else was awake, but i walked over to my room as quietly as i could, opening my door to my room

"hey, oh, where've you been?"

i froze as i heated Josh. i turned around slowly, trying my best to smile and think of an excuse.

"i met up with a friend, uhh we met through instagram"

it's the best excuse i could think of. Josh smiled while walking over to the kitchen.

"oh that's good you have a friend here! drink?"

he held out a cup, i declined and he went ahead making himself one then leaning against the counter as he took a sip of his drink.

"have you seen Will today?" Josh asked, looking down at his cup

i froze again. oh please say he doesn't know, this can't be him setting me up. i fiddled with my rings on my hand

"no i haven't, i haven't spoke to him today actually"

Josh nodded, he then crouched down grabbing something from the bottom cabinet. suddenly the door burst open, and Will look shocked to the noise it made, he then quietly walked over to me.

"oh there you are again, i didn't know if you got in or anything so i just assumed you did"

i widened my eyes at Will, and signalled to Josh who then stands up looking at us both confused. Will looked at Josh, and then back at me and puts his hand at the back of his hand, gripping his hair. Josh raises his eyebrows and folds his arms.

"India, explain?"


thought i'd leave you on a cliffhanger, gives the story a bit of spiceeee

thank you for everyone saving, voting and commenting on this book. i never expected this at all. i see you all, thank you so much <333

Kiera xx

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