Chapter 13 "Lies"

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We slightly pulled of the hug feeling the awkwardness taking it way between us wich i hate myself for.

We have never been awkward with each others and now we are, how come this life make us feel things we never thought we ever will feel someday.

I standed there speechless as I stared into his innoncent eyes.

"Em I'm sorry for ruining our friendship" He said sadly looking down.

I raised my hand to his jaw and raised his head up so his eyes would meet mine.

"Our friendship will never be ruined, you forgot our promise? We will never let anything come between us and I'm still holding at my words and I hope you will do the same thing" I smiled to him hoping that he would forget what ever happened between us and stll be the one that I know him for, wich I don't know anymore.

He smiled back holding my hand on his cheeks. "Sure I promise that nothing will come between us, we will still be like always and never change, but that doesnt mean that I will forget my love for you cause I cant and I hope you wont ask me to" He has hope in his eyes I can easily see that he is waiting for an answer from me to tell him that I love him as well and everything will be allright.

But that is not the truth nothing will ever go back to what it was, nothing. Saying that we will still be like always is a big lie, will are never going to be like before and I know it, but I know that I have to say something even if I must lie to him so he could let go of the subject.

"I am not asking you to forget your love for me and will never, but I have a lot going on and cant be with you in that way but maybe in the future someday, who knows?" I said hoping he would fall for it.

"Really so there is a chance?" He asked almost deing of happiness as his eyes started to glow.

"Yeah sure" I lied 

"Promise me"

"I promise" 

It is so easy to lie but so hard to take it back or ever be forgiven for it, already feeling so bad for lying to him nut I had to I tired to convince myself.


We cooked breakfast as we laughed and had some real fun wich seem to be a long time ago since we had some fun time together.

Afterwards he wanted to watch a movie but I told him that I must leave have a dentist meeting, wich also are a lie.

I'm lying so much lately and that is really nothing I'm proud of.

But I have to meet Peter, this is the day we will meet.

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