Chapter 19"Avoiding"

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The whole next day I have been trying to talk to Mike. I called him a thousand of times but he never picked up. I texted him and apoligized, begged him to give me five minutes of his time so I could explain everything to him, but I got no response. Not even a no, that would have been better than nothing, nothing at all.

I even went to his house, I knocked and he didn't open.

I stayed in bed the rest of the day thinking about all the things I wanted him to know, all the things I want to tell him. I had the phone near me all the time even when I visit the toilet, just in case he would call or text, but he never did to my disapointment.


Monday the day after my miserable day waiting for a call of the one I have longed for, was not quite better I can say.

I went to school looking like a zombie, I was so pale. Not white pale or that sweet light pink pale, I was yellow pale, I looked like a lemon. The whole nigt before I couldn't close my eyes not even for an only minute, because I was Imagining Mike climbing up to my balcony and knock on the door glas as he gestures to me to open, he would have a foolish smile on his precious face that I have learned to live without lately.

The whole english lesson was a waste of time, I wasn't paying any atenttion to the teacher, I heard a word here and a word there but I could never put these eternal words into meanings. I felt like living in my own world.

After an hour and half the bell finally rang, making everybody get up from their places in hurry and excitment for lunch and all its gossip and community.

I tried to avoid that, I didn't have the mood for that. I didn't want to meet my friends beacause I was scared they would ask me, "Whats the matter?" Because I know that I would only break down and never be able to control my rivers of tears.

I hid myself in the girls toiletroom, I called and texted Mike again and again. I did it even though I knew that he would never pick up and never response, I did it beacause I am miserable.

I was also scared and frightened that he would have done something bad, hurt himself. I was so worried and started to cry.I felt powerless, I couldn't do anything to help my situation, I was so helpless.

After lunch I went to french class, I wanted to skip class so badly but I couldnt becuase of the warning I got from the principle the last week about my skipping classes have gotten over the limit.

I stepped into the classroom and my eyes went suddenly bright. Mike was sitting on the front row in the classroom, taking out his books from his bag on the desk. I walked to him as I got stopped by my stupid french teacher.

"The class is starting now, I suppose you should sit on your place and leave the chatting to the break" She said sarcastily crossing her arms on her chest. I really wanted to smack her on her face and scream in her face that I have been waiting to talk to Mike in an eternaly, that I have been through hell and she doesn't understand. But I really didn't feel for doing such a big scene in the middle of the class and risk to get this dramabreakup in youtube in the same day, so I stayed calm and shut my mouth up as I walked back to sit on the last row.

I always sit with mike back in the last row, but today he picked to sit in the first row, how tradigic isnt that? I know by that he is desperatly trying to avoid me, because he have never ever sat on the first row ever!

I stared at him the whole time, I was hoping he would turn around and look at me but he never did that, he was sitting there paying attention and writing some notes on his notebook, I knew this all was just an cheap act beacause he hate french classes.

After the class ended I hurried to stand next to him before he could run away.

"Hi" I said slowly, my heart felt heavy everything I was planning to tell him just flew away, and I didn't know what to say neither did I know how to act like in front of him after trying to reah him for this long.

"Hi Mike!" I said a little bit louder than before, in case he didn't hear me the first time, but he didn't answer, he was packing his books and placing them in his black leather bag. He didn't look at me, not even once.

"Mike please I know you can hear me stop it, just stop! I need to talk to you please Mike I'm begging you give me a chance!" I tried, but he just walked away from me as if I wansn't even there.

I took fast steps and standed in front of him blocking the way, I was so furious and angry, this is how he treat me like when I have been dieng all those days. His eyes finally met mine wich made me feel alive again, I could finally breath again.

"Im not leaving you until you hear me out" I assured him, placing my hands on my hip.

After a few seconds he finally spoke.

"Fine" He said unbothered, staring right in my eyes.

"What?" I couldn't believe my damn ears.

"Meet me after school. our place" He said short as he walked past me.

I standed there frozen in my place, I couldn't believe that I finally was going to be able to explain everything to Mike and that we would go back to normal again.

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