The Silent Realm of Din

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     Link wiped away a few tears with the back of his sleeve as he had learned the truth of his origins. His mother mortally wounded had brought him in the sanctuary of the Forest to escape the raging fires of a war long ago.  "You are a Hylian and were always bound to leave this forest." the Great Deku Tree Sprout explained. You gently placed a comforting hand on Link's shoulder knowing this revelation must be difficult to take in so suddenly. "Now that you have learned your own destiny you know what you must do." Link nodded. "Break the curses on the other Temples and save Hyrule," the boy sniffled. The sapling swayed. "That's right but remember you won't be alone. You have Y/N and Navi at your side." Link turned towards you and Navi a tiny grin curling upon his lips. "C'mon Y/N and Navi let's get going." 

     The two of you soon left the Great Deku Tree's Meadow and the Kokiri Forest. As you crossed the bridge in the Lost Woods Link halted for a moment. You stopped at his side. "Are you alright?" Link nodded once gazing around the sunlit glade they stood above. "Even though I am leaving my home for a second time I don't feel so sad. It's like I know I can always return here because the Kokiri are still my friends. And I have Saria's memories in my heart." A small smile appeared on your face. "I feel the same way Link. The bonds we form with friends ... and loved ones are forever within our hearts." You said this as you saw the flash of Ganondorf's genuine smile in your mind. Link blinked noticing that your e/c orbs held a trace of sadness. Instead of inquiring further however your friend gave you a reassuring hug. 

     Epona greeted you eagerly after you summoned her with the Ocarina. She nuzzled you very tenderly and even gave you a horse's kiss. Link's jaw dropped in surprise. "How did you meet Epona?" he questioned excitedly. After retelling Link of your daring horserace against Ingo and the courageous escape from the ranch he simply stared at you amazed. "Do you think she remembers me?" You laughed a bit. "Only one way to find out," you stated pushing him lightly towards the silver bay. Link carefully placed his hand on her smooth nose and caressed it softly. Epona answered Link with a low nicker then nuzzled him as she recognized the young boy from her days as a foal. You chuckled happily grinning from ear to ear. Link carefully mounted Epona then held out his hand to you. After managing to climb up behind him Link asked, "Where to?" Your vulpine ears twitched a bit as the wind blew around you. "The Temple of Time, someone is waiting for us there I will explain it on the way." 

      The two of you rode for the remainder of the day towards the ruins of Hyrule Castle Town. It soon grew dark and you decided to set up camp for the night. Link went about pitching a tent and setting up the sleeping rolls inside while you got a fire started to prep a meal. After a quick meal of beef stew, Lon Lon Milk and bread Link leaned back sighing contentedly. "That was a good meal thanks, Y/N." You grinned at the young man. "You're welcome, during my stay with the Gerudo I learned a few things about cooking." Link chuckled brightly then his face became serious. " How do you feel knowing Ganondorf has become this Evil King?" Your grin faded into a frown. "It's not like he had a choice, the spirit of Demise possessed him." Link kept silent for a moment then added, "Impa told me about Ganondorf's connection to Demise and how his true intentions for the Triforce were to break the curse the deity placed on him. It's admirable, King Daphnes should have taken him for his word." 

       You stared into the embers of the burning fire before you a feeling of depression washing over you. The colors of the flames reminded you greatly of the fiery red hair of Ganondorf. "I miss him," you whispered sadly. Link moved closer and squatted to your level. "Cheer up Y/N we will find a way to unite the Triforce and banish Demise once and for all." You snapped your gaze toward Link. "Thanks that makes me feel better." Link rose and stretched his arms high. "It's getting late now and we should be getting some sleep, I'll keep watch tonight." You nodded yawning widely realizing how exhausted you had been after your adventures from the previous day. "Good night Link," you said before disappearing into the tent. 

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