Fires of Brotherhood

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      Link shook you awake gently drawing you back to the land of the living, his face held an expression of concern. "Hey Y/N you awake now?" You groaned groggily from the heavy spiritual walk you had taken. Link smiled lightly. "Erm good morning." Sitting up abruptly you glanced towards the tent entry noting sunlight shone through. "Damn did I oversleep?" You asked quickly combing your fingers through your tangled h/c locks. Link snickered gesturing nonchalantly with his hands. "Don't worry about it," he replied. "I got breakfast made if you're hungry." 

      You were soon on your way to the Temple of Time after a quick breakfast of honied porridge. As you rode along on the back of Epona Link turned his head slightly over his shoulder. "Do you have any clue as to where we should go after the Temple of Time?" The jingle of your Fireshield Earrings caught your attention. "I would suggest Death Mountain. However, from what I know about Death Mountain we will need some sort of fire protection." Link nodded in agreement. "My friend Darunia and leader of the Gorons may be able to help with that." 


     Upon entering the Temple of Time with Link at your side you felt as if a lingering presence was watching from afar. Link had been horrified by the destruction of Hyrule Castle Town and the looming black fortress where the Evil King dwelled in the distance. "So much has changed in the past seven years," Link muttered. You replied with a light sigh. "At least we are here to try and repair those effects." Navi settled upon Link's shoulder. "She's right Link as long as we work together we can defeat this evil and bring peace back to Hyrule." You cast a smile towards the Fairy and winked. Even though Navi could be slightly annoying with her obvious pieces of advice you found her company to be soothing. 

     All three of you passed into the inner chamber of the Temple where Shiek now stood as if he had been waiting for some time. "Y/N you have returned and with the other chosen hero Link it seems," the young man stated seeming to smile underneath his wrappings. Link looked confused as his eyes locked with Shiek. "Have we met?" he asked. Shiek shook his head. "No, but I shall tell you. My name is Shiek of the Shiekah."  Shiek explained how he had come to know you and given you the instructions of awakening the Sages. "With that being said," he continued now focusing on your e/c eyes," You have destroyed the wicked creatures that haunted the temple and awakened the Sage well done." You flashed a smile in his direction. "But there are still other Sages who need your help. In order to awaken them, you both must become more powerful.. You must travel over mountains ...underwater ... and even through time." 

     Navi shot over to Shiek hovering before his face. "How would we do that there's only one Master Sword and Y/N is the chosen to wield it." Shiek glared at the Fairy. "If you would kindly not interrupt I could explain." Navi returned to her place beside Link earning a chastising look from her companion. "If you want to return to your original time, return the Master Sword to this pedestal. By doing so you will travel back seven years. I foresee that the need will not arise for some time but just in case I will teach you a melody that will have you transported back here. The song to return you to the Temple of Time ... the Prelude of Light." Shiek once again brandished the golden lyre and strummed out a lilting but solemn tune. You followed along with him on the Ocarina. A ball of golden light appeared above and shone brightly like a star as you shared this duet.

     Shiek replaced his instrument to his holster nodding in satisfaction. "As long as you possess the Ocarina of Time and the Master Sword, you hold time itself in your hands." Shiek looked to Link stoic. "Link you and Y/N must work together to awaken the Sages. I have confidence you are up to the task however you seem to be lacking a weapon. Take this blade." The young man snapped his fingers and a glorious blade with a light blue hilt appeared accompanied by a matching polished shield bearing the Hylian symbol upon it. Set within the hilt and pommels were golden jewels that reflected brightly within the chamber. "This is the White Blade forged long ago and used in an era long since forgotten by one similar to your own destiny Link. It is not as powerful as the Master Sword however it is still a formidable weapon when used properly. It should serve you well." Link hesitantly took these gifts, fitting the shield onto his arm and swinging the White Blade expertly. Before another word could be spoken Shiek backed away slowly, "We will meet again." He then disappeared in a flash of light. 

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