Dancing With the Forest Spirits

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"Yahoo this way Link!" Saria cried gleefully waving to her friend. 

The green haired bright blue-eyed Kokiri child spun through the many twisting paths of the Lost Woods her tiny emerald fairy falling close behind. A young blond haired boy with soft blue eyes raced after his friend attempting his every effort in keeping her pace. He soon stopped short panting for breath doubled over, his hands resting on his knees. 

"Saria wait!" he called after her. "Not so fast please," he pleaded in between gasps of air. Saria halted turning her patient kind gaze to the boy named Link. "I'm sorry Link the Sacred Forest Meadow is not too far ahead. Can you make it?" she asked, folding her hands behind her back. Link nodded smiling confidently. "Yeah I think so."  Saria returned the smile with one of her own. "C'mon we can walk the rest of the way," she said softly. "Ok then." Saria gently took Link's hand and they continued on their journey through the Lost Woods in blissful silence. 

Not even half an hour later did the two Kokiri  children enter the outskirts of the Sacred Forest Meadow.  Link's eyes twinkled like stars when he noticed the ancient splendor of the grand maze leading further on into the meadow. The Boy Without A Fairy had always been fascinated by such architecture described in the Great Deku Tree's stories of the world outside of the Forest. Never would he have believed that such a place existed within the woods. "It's amazing," Link whispered in awe. "You haven't seen anything yet, c'mon," Saria giggled tugging on his hand. 

 With Saria's guidance they traversed through the stone labrythin occasionally leaping over deep pools of water or tiptoeing past the Mad Scrubs who inhabited the area. After mounting two stone stairwells they stumbled into a wide courtyard like structure. Link let out a cry of wonder when his eyes met a great looming building overgrown with vines and ivy. The stairs leading upward were broken away blocking off any possibly entries. "What is this place?" Link muttered. 

Saria walked across the soft green grass, her footfalls barely making a sound. "This is the Sacred Forest Meadow. I found this place a long time ago. Someday I think it will hold great significance for us," she stated turning to face her friend. Link felt his cheeks turn a slight pink as he rested a hand on the back of his head. "Really how so?" he asked. Saria glanced up to the ancient structure above. " I'm not sure I just feel it in my heart," she replied placing both hands over chest. 

Link walked to her side gazing upward as well. He had a sudden feeling that they were not alone in the meadow and he looked around somewhat nervously. Link did not have time to mention this as Saria pulled out an ocarina. "What do you say we invite the forest spirits to play with us? The Great Deku Tree told me once that a guardian spirit of these woods enjoys music."  Link nodded excitedly he always loved listening to Saria play her ocarina. Saria raised the mouthpiece to her lips and began to play an upbeat tune that reverberated through the forest. 

Fairy lights of many colors suddenly filled the vicinity twirling around the two Kokiri children. Link let out a cry of delight and began dancing to the beat of Saria's Song while her green fairy flew graceful loops in the air. On the outskirts of the Meadow a great horned owl perched high upon the trees nodded his head and tapped his talons to the rhythm. Skull Kids near the Lost Woods Bridge were also alerted to the music and joined in on their pipes. 

Saria played her song onward happily watching her friend partake in the merry dance with the many spirits. However the Kokiri noticed that a new instrument joined in the accompaninment which was that of a lyre. Her sharp ears detected the source was coming from the direction of the Forest Temple. Turning her gaze Saria caught sight of a kitsune spirit bearing human like traits aside from its red tufted ears and its six bushy tails sitting upon the broken staircase. 

Your fingers strummed expertly across the golden lyre strings matching the harmony of Saria's ocarina. E/c eyes meet Saria's and a kind smile spreads across your lips as you continue to play. You were clad in a f/c  flowing robes with draping sleeves and sandals upon your feet. Your h/l, h/c rustled in a gentle breeze accompanied with swirling leaves. Once Saria's Song came to an end you set down your lyre beside you and leaned forward. 

"That was a lovely tune I quite enjoyed it," you said happily. Link stared at you his mouth agape. "Who are you?" he demanded awestruck. Your eyes widened for a moment before you reply, "Oh sorry where are my manners I am Y/N, the Guardian Spirit of the Sacred Forest Meadow. Just who might you two be?" Saria smiled kindly. "My name is Saria and this is my friend Link. We hail from the Kokiri Forest." You grin lightly swinging your legs back and forth. "Ah I see. I often sense your kind within these woods though you two are the first to venture here in centuries." Here you folded your arms across your chest. "I hope we didn't trespass," Link stated nervously. You shook your head laughing lightheartedly. "Oh no not at all, it's comforting having visitors." Link wiped his brow in relief then cast a friendly smile to you. 

Saria's fairy floated up to her ear and whispered something within causing Saria's eyes to widen. She turned to Link  rather worriedly. "Its getting late. We need to return home before night falls otherwise we risk running into Wolfos and Stalfos." Link nodded in acknowledgement. "I can escort you to the edge of the Lost Woods if you like," you offered. Saria shook her head quickly. " I couldn't impose that upon you." Link rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Nonsense it is my duty as Guardian Spirit to aid the forest folk." You levitated from your seat to the Kokiri's level. "Follow me," you urged politely. 

For the next half hour you led the children through the winding wooded paths none saying a word. Deku Scrubs peeked out from their sheltered grass homes as you passed by. The sun had set as the trio emerged upon the great ledge overlooking the Kokiri Forest. "This is where I must take my leave," you said. Saria and Link bowed gratefully to you. "Thank you so much Y/N," Saria responded suddenly surprising you with a gentle hug. You are hesitant at first but returned the embrace. "May we come see you again?" Link asked hopefully. You smiled and nodded silently. The children bidded you farewell as you disappeared through the trees of the Lost Woods. 

Author Notes: Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. There will be more to come soon. ^.^

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