Ganondorf's Confession

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     You Link and Navi entered Kakiriko Village only to find the peaceful settlement set ablaze by followers of Demise. Shiek was locked in combat along with some of the villagers against these dark beings. Drawing your swords you and Link rushed into the fray to lend a hand. Shiek moved like water against a Moblin wielding two shuriken daggers, his red eyes lit with fury. The young man soon tore the clumsy creature into shreds daring any of his comrades to come anywhere near him. After several minutes of hard combat, the cowardly creatures fled screaming and gurgling for their very lives. The townsfolk cheered and jumped for joy however their victory was short-lived. 

   A quaking thud was heard from nearby and it came from the depths of the dried well. Shiek cautiously sauntered towards it motioning everyone to stay back as he investigated. You however didn't listen and walked a few paces behind. All of a sudden an invisible force rose from the well grabbed Shiek and flung him heavily several feet knocking him into a couple of villagers. Fear immediately crossed your features as you drew Master Sword prepping to face this stealthy monster. Before you could even strike you felt a nasty force collide into the back of your body that also sent you flying. Your entire world went black.

   The mumbling of voices filled your vulpine ears as your e/c eyes fluttered open. It had begun to storm from what you could tell. Navi floated just inches from your face looking somewhat concerned. A throng of villagers had surrounded you with Link and Shiek tending to your battered head. "It looks like you're coming around," Shiek stated relieved. "What happened?" you questioned. " A terrible thing ... the monster that was sealed in the well has been unleashed. It fled to the Shadow Temple ... and I must put a stop to him." The crowd parted to make way for Impa as she was their revered leader. Link's eyes widened as she greeted him with a light smile. "Come Link bring your friend inside so we may talk." Link and Shiek carefully lifted yours over their shoulders and assisted you inside Impa's large home. 

   Inside was a stern-looking gentleman tending to a cow and the Cucco lady Anju who was knitting together a tunic with an adorable Cucco motif. Impa kindly asked for Anju's help in fetching some medical supplies while the gentleman brought forth a cup of freshly squeezed milk. Link and Shiek settled you into a seat nearby while Impa looked you over. "No worse for wear. You are quite strong just as the noble Zelda stated," the Shiekah woman explained with a satisfied nod. "Just a bump on the head," Shiek added as a cold compress was held to the back of your skull. Instantly you felt a cool sensation spread through your throbbing cranium. 

   "What do we do about the evil shadow spirit Lady Impa?" Shiek questioned. Impa turned to him. "The only thing we can do ... track his whereabouts, confront him and kill him." Shiek folded his arms across his chest. "That thing is invisible he will be impossible to defeat without the Eye of Truth." Impa nodded confirming this knowledge. "This is true ... Link right now your friend needs to rest. I need you to brave the old well and find the Lens of Truth," Impa explained. "I will go ahead to the Shadow Temple and attempt to weaken the evil spirit." Anju and the other gentleman looked startled for a moment but did not voice their concern. "Lady Impa while Link searches for the Eye of Truth I'll take care of the village," Shiek said determinedly. Without another word, the young man left the house. Not long after his departure did Link leave with Impa. The kindly villagers made you a soft warm bed on the second floor so you could rest until the rest returned. 


     Once again you felt your spirit travel into the astral lands, this time you woke up lying in a larger bed. You realized you were not alone in this strange bed but laying on his side looking as if he were sleeping peacefully was Ganondorf. A blush crept to your cheeks as the Gerudo King stirred slowly awake. His face formed into that trademark smirk you adored so much as he pulled you closer to him. "Hello, darling," he whispered. "Uhm hello," you muttered shyly. Ganondorf chuckled lightly placing a soft kiss on your lips. "I missed you, it seems as if you were gone for a lifetime." You smiled and giggled. "Only two days have passed but yes it feels longer." Ganondorf sat up carefully with you still in his arms. You noted he was completely bare-chested as he laid your head against his strong muscled torso.  

    "You mastered the spell I taught you seven years ago. I am so proud of you." He stroked your hair gently. "However even with all the strength and courage, you have gathered thus far I am afraid more preparation is needed for your next encounter." His golden orbs reflected your own e/c. "Will you help me Ganondorf ?" The King embraced your tiny form with both his strong arms. "You do not have to ask. Of course, I will." 

    The King once again had you strip off your robes and enter the hot springs. Ganondorf applied a scented bath oil upon bare shoulders and massaged into your skin. You could feel instant relief spread throughout your body as his fingers worked their magic. After a few minutes of scrubbing you down the King gently wet your hair then tenderly washed away the wounded area at the base of your skull. "How did know I was injured there?" you asked timidly. Ganondorf cast his golden gaze to you rather softly. "The spirits of Din showed me. As much as that boy ... Link erks me I am glad he was there to help you." You glanced back to Ganondorf curiosity filling your e/c pupils. "What is it about Link that agitates you?" Ganondorf wrung out your hair and begun combing his fingers through it a sigh escaped his lips. "I think it is because he and I share an old rivalry that is passed down through the ages. Another symptom of the curse that Demise placed upon my spirit. Link heavily resembles the Hero of the Skies." You nodded once before Ganondorf assisted you out of the hot springs. 

    After you were completely dried and redressed Ganondorf removed the golden jewelry and the dragonscale accessories carefully. He then guided you to a set of cushioned pillows before the mirror where he had you kneel on them. Softly the King brushed out your tangles, then twisted the precious h/c locks into a neat braid. "Now my sweet Y/N I will be providing you jewelry that resembles the seven chakras. They will offer you protection from the dark beings that haunt the deep underground. I will need you to keep still for me." For the root chakra, black obsidian anklets were fastened around your ankles. The sacral chakra was represented by a golden tiger's eye pendant placed into a sash tied around your midsection. Ganondorf halted tracing a finger towards your sensitive area, this sent a shiver of pleasure down your spine. The King chuckled as he placed another golden tiger's eye pendant into a sash around your naval area for the solar plexus chakra. A golden necklace bearing amazonite and blue lace agate stone was then fastened around your neck to symbolize your heart and throat chakras. A sapphire chain was wrapped delicately around your forehead for your third eye chakra. "Lastly but not certainly not least two amethyst quartz earrings for the crown chakra," Ganondorf muttered as he gently fitted them into your fox ears. You felt an aura of protection surround you just as Ganondorf finished his work. 

       Ganondorf admired your form through the looking glass as he folded his arms across his chest. " You know Y/N I do have a confession," he murmured. Your e/c orbs shifted upwards in the mirror to meet his. "It is the duty of the Gerudo King to assist his queen on their wedding day." You smiled and blushed a bit finding the idea rather sweet. Ganondorf offered you his hand as he assisted you to your feet then slowly spun you to face him. "I know in my heart you are my soulmate Y/N. You will break this curse and deliver me so we may spend our lives together." Here Ganondorf embraced you placing a kiss on the top of your head. "I look forward to that day, my King." You stood on your tiptoes and brought your lips to his own. After parting from it you cupped Ganondorf's cheek. "It is time for you to wake up soon my love. I shall be waiting for your return." He took your hand and brushed his lips against your fingertips. "Be careful my dear."  You nodded and smiled sweetly in acknowledgment. "I promise." 

A/N: Yay another chapter posted. Hope you enjoyed the extra fluff I put here. Feel free to comment and vote. 


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