An End Once And For All

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 Navi flew beside suddenly transforming into the spirit forged into the Master Sword centuries ago. "Master Link, Mistress, Y/N there is no possible way he is going to hold me back again. This time we fight together!!" Demise roared in determined rage hoping to grind the trio into the dust. "Once you are dead and gone I will rule this world with an iron fist. All you hold dear will vanish." He swung his dual swords as he uttered these words. You and Link rolled away quickly. Link tossed you the Megaton Hammer which you grasped rather clumsily. "Blind him first and go for his tail!" Ganondorf advised. 

Arming a Light Arrow to the string you unleashed into the demon's line of sight. He became stunned for a few seconds allowing Link and you to deal a blow to the barbed tail he had grown. Demise yelped in pain angrily spinning around. He attempted to impale you with his dangerous tail but you managed to dodge it in the nick of time. You continued to assail the Demon God with Light Arrows while Link with his own sword hacked at the tail. Demise heavily winded from the pain fell to his knees. This caused the wall of fire to dissipate for a few moments. "Y/N the Master Sword is here hurry up!" Ganondorf and Zelda cried in unison. You quickly retrieved the Sword of Evil's Bane from the ground and returned to the battlefield with Link. 

 Demise's attacks became wider and far more devastating. You blinded Demise several more times then with a well-timed blow from both you and Link hacked off the great tail. Demise fell to his knees in agony. A stream of light erupted from Princess Zelda in an attempt to hold Demise in place. Glancing over at her in astonishment you realized that she was not alone in her endeavors for the Gerudo King was using his own power to assist. "We are using our combined strength to hold Demise. Y/N use your sword to deliver the final blow!" Zelda commanded. The Master Sword glowed with holy energy. Feeling great strength flow within you, you raised your blade for the killing strike. You hacked several times at Demise then plunged the blade directly into his skull. The Demon God swung his swords uncontrollably before you could roll out of harm's way one of the blades struck you and flung you several feet. Link horrified by this sight quickly retrieved your injured form and brought you to Ganondorf. "Y/N!" he whispered tears gathering in his eyes. "My brave vixen." 

"Six Sages now!!" Zelda exclaimed summoning a golden sphere of light. From within the Sacred Realm Rauru called upon the other Sages to open the sealed door and imprison Demise within. Taking the form of their respected elemental color the Sages opened the door revealing a great white space. Demise was secured by four great heavenly chains and dragged within. "NOOOOOOOOO!" The Demon God struggled at first against the heavy fetters but the shackles only secured their hold upon him. "YOU!!! CURSE YOU ZELDA!!! CURSE YOU SAGES!!! GAAAH CURSE YOU LINK AND Y/N.  CURSE YOU GANONDORF!! Someday ... when this seal is broken ... I will rise and exterminate your descendants!!" Demise then disappeared into Evil Realm. "As long as I have a duplicate of the Triforce of Power in my hands!!!" 


    Hovering high above the clouds in a bright blue sky Princess Zelda stood with Link and Ganondorf. The Gerudo King wept over your wounded body. A few tears streamed down Link's own cheeks at the condition you were in. A great gash was pouring with blood and pooling onto the black-armored chest piece Ganondorf wore. "Please Holy Din above Goddess Hylia ... do not let me lose her ... not after I have won her back," Ganondorf prayed his body wracking with immense sorrow. Princess Zelda placed a comforting hand upon the Gerudo King's shoulder. "Please allow me Ganondorf." Closing her eyes Princess Zelda hovered her hands over your injuries. In a gentle shower of light from the Triforce of Wisdom, your wounds were instantly healed. 

  Slowly your eyes fluttered opened much to the delight of your friends and betrothed. Ganondorf embraced you holding your head tenderly in his enormous hand. You happily wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his shoulder. Princess Zelda cleared her throat politely clasping her hands in front of her. You glanced over to see Link, Navi, and the Princess staring intently at you. "Thank you so much honored Guardian and to you all," Zelda said. "Thanks to you Demise has been sealed in the confines of the Evil Realm. Thus peace will reign in Hyrule for a time." 

  Ganondorf rose to his full height holding you close to him. "Does that include my kingdom as well Princess?" he asked coolly. Princess Zelda placed a hand on her chest appearing quite saddened. "Yes, Ganondorf. All the tragedy that has befallen the lands was my own doing. I was so young ... I could not comprehend the consequences of trying to control the Sacred Realm. I dragged all of you into this too. Now it is time for me to right my wrongs." Link stepped closer to the Princess. "Y/N you must lay Master Sword to rest and close the Door of Time. However, by doing this, the road between times will be closed." Here Princess Zelda extended her hand towards you. "Give the Ocarina to me Y/N. As a Sage, I can return you all to your proper times." You took the Ocarina of Time from your robes and gently placed it into Zelda's outstretched hand. 

   "I want you, Ganondorf, and Link to visit me before you speak to my father. So we may prevent this tragedy from repeating." You nodded understandingly. Ganondorf sighed but agreed while Link inclined his head forward. Zelda cast a longing look at Link. "I wish we could have more time this way Link. Peace has returned to Hyrule. It is time for us to say good-bye ..." Link stepped forward and gently kissed her cheek. Zelda appeared quite stunned but returned the kiss with a deep full one on his lips. You grinned widely as Ganondorf chuckled. After pulling away from the kiss Link and Zelda were blushing. "Now go home and regain your lost times ... home where you are supposed to be ... the way you are supposed to be." The Princess turned around bringing the Ocarina of Time to her lips and she sorrowfully played her lullaby. A blue light surrounded you Ganondorf and Link and this light carried you off through the mists of time. "Thank you once again ... good-bye." 

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