Into the Heat Once More

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     "Hang on tightly Y/N," Link called out you spurring Epona into a fierce gallop. "You're not serious in attempting that jump are you, Link!" You cried out wrapping your arms tightly around Link's waist. You had ridden into the Gerudo Desert only to discover that the massive bridge that once spanned the great chasm had been completely severed in half. The horse's hooves thudded powerfully against the ground as she gained more speed. Closing your eyes you prayed to the Goddesses that Epona would clear the bridge successfully. You couldn't help but let out a scream of fright as you felt the steed leap high into the air letting out a determined neigh. She landed triumphantly on the other side as Link calmly reined her in. "You can open your eyes now Y/N," he said smirking. You quickly released your hold on Link grinning rather embarrassingly at him. "Please not a word to anyone about this ... especially Ganondorf," you said. Link chuckled. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me Y/N." 

     "Hey, you two mind if I have a word?" a harsh voice spoke from your right. Glancing in that direction you noticed an older rugged-looking gentleman with his arms crossed. He rolled his head from side to side as you dismounted Epona and approached. "I am a master craftsman! Those Gerudo thieves broke the bridge and I want to fix it but all my workers have disappeared. They told me working as carpenters is a boring lifestyle and went to the Gerudo Fortress to become thieves ..." he explained obviously looking unamused. You lifted your eyebrows your e/c widening. "That's crazy they'll more than likely be captured and held prisoner for violating Gerudo's sacred law," you stated. The master carpenter gazed at you seriously. "More reason into finding out what happened to them. Listen you two I'm not as young as I used to be so if you could do an old man a favor I would greatly appreciate it."  Link turned to you. "C'mon Y/N, we need to help there's no telling what kind of trouble those workers are in." Sighing heavily you decided to head to the Fortress with Link. 

     As you and Link approached the great black Fortress you noticed guards were on the patrol. They patrolled the perimeter and high walls on the lookout for any unwelcome trespassers. Before you could stop him Link rushed forward into the wide open. It didn't take long before he was spotted by several guards and surrounded him their glaives pointing directly at him. This caused the young man to raise his hands in a gesture of surrender. You facepalmed heavily as Navi muttered something under her breath. The guards dragged Link away. "What do we do now?" Your eyes caught sight of the highest level built into the great rocky wall. "We find the Warden of the Fortress. I may be able to convince her to release Link and those carpenters." 

   Over the next half an hour you stealthily scaled the fortress hiding behind giant crates and stunning any patrolling guards with your Bow. Navi trailed behind or sometimes flew ahead to light your way as night had fallen by this time. Finally, you reached the top of the fortress and entered the quarters of the Warden. A very pretty Gerudo woman dressed in green silks, red upturned shoes, and lots of golden jewelry stood behind her desk staring at what looked to be a map of Hyrule. Your e/c orbs suddenly met her golden stare as you recognized her Liana one of the former guards to Ganondorf's throne. Her jaw dropped in amazement! "Lady Y/N you're alive?" You were just as surprised as she was. "Liana, you're the Warden?" you countered. 

    Liana smirked and crossed her arms delicately. "Indeed I am. The great Nabooru recognized my skill a few years ago and promoted me." Navi hid behind you. You recalled fond memories of Liana becoming more friendly to you seven years ago and often trained with her. "Congratulations all that hard work paid off," you declared. She nodded gratefully. "It's been seven years what has kept you away?" Liana asked. You pursed your lips. "It's a long story." Liana leaned against her desk. "I've got some time. Tell me." For the next few minutes, you recalled the details involving the possession of Ganondorf to your seven-year slumber and your recent travels. After you finished you added, "I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't believe me." Liana pondered for a few moments before resting her calm gaze upon you. " I actually do believe you. I always knew the King held some sort of dark secret and since his ascension, to the Hyrulian throne, it's like he is a completely different man. You are attempting to break that curse ... I find that incredibly romantic." A slight blush appeared on your face before you remembered the reason for your intrusion. "Liana, may I ask a favor?"  The Warden blinked and nodded. "There are six men here one is my traveling companion. Would you kindly release them?" Liana bowed deeply. "Anything for our future queen." 

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