A Reunion Between Friends

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  "Stop that boy!" a soldier shouted. You and Princess Zelda snapped your attention towards the entrance of the courtyard. To your surprise you witnessed Link being chased by an armed guard with Navi trailing behind. Link soon crossed into the gardens only to be seized in the strong grip of Impa, he squirmed within her grasp. "What is the meaning of this?" Princess Zelda demanded stepping forward. The guard knelt before the Princess deeply. "This forest rat has been prowling about the grounds My Lady. He claims to have been sent by something called the Great Deku Tree," he declared. "Your Highness," you chimed in. "I know this boy he is a friend of mine named Link. He has a very kind heart and wouldn't harm a flea. He speaks the truth." Convinced by your defense Princess Zelda turned to address Impa. "Release him he may stay." 

Impa kindly set Link down on his own two feet and offered a soft apology. The Princess dismissed the guard who returned to his post. Link dusted himself off. He opened his mouth to speak however he stopped short when his blue eyes rested on you. "Y/N? I am so happy to see you! What are you doing here?" he asked. You smiled adoringly down to the young boy as he rushed forward and enveloped you in a hug. "It's a long story Link I will tell you later." Princess Zelda looked over to Link. "Strange that name seems so familiar," she whispered. 

 Noticing Princess Zelda for the first time the boy blushed awkwardly. Navi the Fairy slammed into his shoulder forcefully. "Link show some respect you are before royalty after all." she hissed.  "Ouch ok sheesh Navi," he said grudgingly. Link bowed clusmily his Kokiri cap slipping off his head causing Zelda and you to giggle. The boy retrieved his cap quickly fixing it in place, his face reddening deeper. "Is that a fairy?" Zelda asked expectantly? Link nodded as he went to stand beside you. You noticed he carried the Kokiri Sword and Deku Shield. "Then you must have the Spiritual Stone of the Forest," she guessed. Link gazed at her surprised by this. 

   "I had a dream ... in that dream dark storm clouds billowed over the land of Hyrule. Suddenly a ray of light shot out the forest ... parted the clouds and lit up the ground. The light turned into two figures one holding the Spiritual Stone followed by a fairy and the other a kitsune grasping a powerful sword." Princess Zelda looked to Link then to you her eyes gleaming brightly. "This too must be providence."  Link seeming to be at a loss for words rubbed the back of his neck. She then went on to reexplain the Triforce and its connection to the Sacred Realm. "I am sure this is why the Great Deku Tree tasked you with this quest," you said to him. Link grunted in response. 

  "That is not all I forgot to tell you both," the Princess spoke up. "I was spying through this window just now. The other element from my dream ... the dark clouds ... I believe they symbolize that man in there!" Your eyes wandered beyond the glass as they came to rest on the man that you were held captive by for nearly a month, Ganondorf. Link leaned in to get a better view. "Can you see the man with the evil eyes. That is Ganondorf King of the Gerudo from the western deserts. Though he swears allegiance to my father I am sure it is not sincere," Zelda said harshly. "The dark clouds that covered Hyrule in my dream symbolize him." You turned your gaze to Princess Zelda. "I wouldn't necessarily say his eyes carry evil. Could it be that he is only trying to help his people?" 

   Princess Zelda looked upon you calmly. "That may be so but he does not need the Triforce to do so ..." You saw the wisdom behind the young Princess's words. Meanwhile Link had taken a step back from the window looking a bit frightened. "What happened did he see you?" Princess Zelda asked. "Don't worry he doesn't have any idea what we are planning  ... yet."  You looked back to the Princess. "Did you tell your father about your dream?" She sighed and nodded once. " He did not believe it was a prophecy. However I can sense something dark about that man."  You looked towards the center arrangements of orange flowers. "As can I Princess." 

  "What Ganondorf is after must be nothing less than the Triforce of the Sacred Realm," Zelda declared crestfallen. "He must have come to Hyrule to obtain it. And he wants to conquer Hyrule ... no the entire world." She turned to you and Link tears welling in her eyes. "Y/N, Link, we are the only ones who can protect Hyrule ... please," the Princess implored. Taking in a deep breath you rubbed the back of your neck knowing deep in your heart Princess Zelda spoke the truth. Making eye contact with Link then back at Zelda you simply nodded your head. "Very well."  The Princess's somber expression suddenly brightened into a grateful smile. "Oh thank you!" she cried embracing the both of you. "I am afraid I have a feeling Ganondorf may destroy Hyrule. He has such a terrifying power. It is fortunate that you two have come." 

"Princess what do you need to us do in the meantime?" Navi chiruped from Link's shoulder. "We must not let Ganondorf get the Triforce. I will protect the Ocarina of Time we all my power. He shall not have it. Link you go find the other two Spiritual Stones. Let's get the Triforce before he does and then defeat him," the Princess decreed. She pulled out a piece of royal stationary and a quill from the fold of her garments. Quickly she scribbled out a few words and handed it to Link. "Take this letter it should prove useful to you." The Princess passed it off to Link placing one hand over the one that took the note. "My attendant will guide you out of the castle please don't be afraid to talk to her." Link soon departed from the courtyard with Impa after a saying his fond farewell to you. 

  Zelda then addressed you letting out an exasperated breath. "Y/N, I must ask you to perform a most difficult task. I need you to return to the desert with Ganondorf and act as my eyes and ears. If he attempts any sort of treachery please send word to me at once." You nodded in confirmation. "Ganondorf doesn't seem as evil as you make him out to be Princess however for the sake of Hyrule's protection I will aid you. I will also do my best to convince him not to follow through with his plans." Princess Zelda glanced towards the sky. "I am certain that you possess a silver tongue ... I am just unsure that it will work on Ganondorf. Though I wish you all the luck in the world." 

  Your sharpened second sight sensed the approach of Ganondorf. In just a few seconds the Gerudo King entered the courtyard with two palace guards at his back. "Y/N, it is time for us to depart." Princess Zelda seemed frightened by his sudden appearance however you placed a calming hand on her shoulder. "I was just saying good-bye to the Princess, My Lord," you stated casually. Taking a step back you snapped your fingers and within a flash of green light your golden lyre appeared. Grasping it gently you kindly presented it to Zelda. "Take this lyre it was a gift from a young woman long ago. She resembled you greatly." Taken aback by such a gift the Princess wrapped her small fingers around the instrument and bowed deeply. "Thank you Guardian Spirit." You smiled and inclined your head. "Farewell Princess Zelda may we meet again." Without another word you departed from the gardens at Ganondorf's side. As the two of you left you noticed that the King cast a dangerous glare at the Princess. 

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