Meeting the Resistance

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~Flashback ~

"And why should she want to speak with a trespasser like you?" He really had a problem with the blaster pointing me.

"Because I'm her niece. I don't think I told you my full name. I'm Skylor Skywalker." That was the moment when his expression changed and he lowered his blaster.

"I'm Commander Dameron. I mean... Poe Dameron."

~End of flashback ~

"Well...Commander. Can you take me to General Organa or not?"

"Yes, of course. Follow me"

We walked through the woods for 30 minutes but it felt like forever. The woods were quiet and dark. The sun was setting and it was starting to get cold. When we get out of the woods, we went straight to meet the General. We passed through the hangar which was full of X-wings, fighters and ships of all kinds. One particular X-wing caught my attention. It was all black with a some parts painted orange. I stopped and stared at it for some moments before I run to catch him. Then we entered a room full of people talking and looking at a hologram.This must be the command room. Poe went and talked to a woman and came back.That woman was aged. Her hair was grey, her clothes were royal but at the same time military. I felt like I knew her. When she saw me she hugged me. That was the perfect moment for Poe to leave us alone.

"You're finally home. After all those years, you're finally we're you belong." She said and she was crying. She was looking me with her eyes full of happiness and hope. "You don't need to say anything if you don't feel it. I understand that you feel awkward with us."

"Actually, I feel home. Like I know you my whole life."I told her and her smile only grew. "The same goes for him." I pointed at Poe.

"That's great. Luke would be so happy to see that you've grown so beautiful. You look a lot like him."

"Thanks. That means a lot" Then an officer called her and she called Poe to show me where I would stay.

"She was happy to see you. She and your brother have been looking for you since your father left." He told me and I sent him a confused look. Do I have a brother?  "Oh. I see. You don't remember you have a brother?" 

"Look. The thing is that my memory is not in its best right now. My whole life I didn't knew I was a Skywalker because of a spell which is now broken. So I ask you two things. One, don't tell anybody. Only Leia can and must know. Two, if you can tell my about my brother."

"Ok. No one will know. Well, about your brother.....His name is Anakin. He looks like your grandfather a lot. He is two years older than you. He is the most brave and crazy at the same time person I know. And before you ask. Yes, I know him personally. He is my best friends."

"Where is he now?" I asked while we walked. I turned my head and I saw some people with orange suits were whistling and making weird comments to both of us.

"Don't mind them. Anyways. Anakin is looking for you. He left a week after you disappeared."

"Oh. Before I disappeared...we two...knew each other? Because I have a feeling that I know you from somewhere. And I don't mean the woods."

"Yes. We knew each other very well. I was the one who taught to how to ride a speedster. And you loved my humour. So, this is your room." We stoped and he showed me my room. "I'll let you settle in and rest. See you later...Skywalker." He had a smirk on his face when he said 'Skywalker' .When he left I had a vision but it was more like a memory.

I was in a garden full of bushes and flowers. In the middle it was a tree. That tree was force-sensitive. I was young and I was wearing beige Jedi robes. Behind the tree was a boy. He was also wearing Jedi robes but his was black.

"I can see you Anakin." I told him and he appeared from behind the tree defeated.

"Yes sis, but you won't find Poe. He is hidden very well." He was lying and I knew that.

"We'll see about that." I told him and I tried to find Poe through the Force. Then I found him. He was hidden in the bushes. " Hello there, Dameron." 

" I see you found me again, Skywalker." He said and he has a look on his face that only Anakin responded with another look. "Just admit it. You are in love with me. That's why you always find me."

" Maybe. But one thing is sure. I'll always find you"  I said and I left them with their mouths open.

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