May the Force be with you my little one

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"Yes Emily, you do. The Force is strong in you like it is in our family." When Luke told me that I froze. The same thing told me the second voice in my vision. The first voice I knew it was Luke's.

"The voice that you heard it belongs to your grandfather, Anakin Skywalker"

"How did you know?? Nevermind"

~End of flashback~

It has passed a week since I discovered the truth about being a Force-sensitive. It been quite hard. I mean my father, teached me how to use the Force and how to wield the lightsaber he gave me.

"Reach out with your feelings, Emily. Don't let the darkness consume you." My father said while I was breathing calmly with my legs crossed and my eyes closed.

"Good. Now, tell me what you see and feel." He said so calm.

"I see life.... energy surrounding us.... light...... I see darkness.....I see someone who dressed in black with a red lightsaber?......I feel like he is my family....I feel pain and death. But between all of it I feel a balance. "

"He is your cousin,Ben. He turned to the dark side and now calls himself Kylo Ren. Also I need you to go to your aunt in D'Qar."

"My aunt. Isn't she Princess Leia?"He just nodded. "How you want me to go there? I'm a leader and I can't leave my pack. You of all people should know that."

"Well.....About that......You're not the Great Alpha. You're the Choosen One. You're supposed to bring balance to the Force. Kinda like what the Great Alpha does but only you must defeat the First Order."

"And what is going to happen with the wolves?"

"They are gonna be fine. The only thing that will change is that they will forget you were the Great Alpha and that boy's girlfriend. They will remember you only as a friend."

"Oh....And how I'm going to D'Qar? I mean, I don't have a ship or something?"

"You're gonna take my X-wing. I've programmed it to crash when you are near the planet."

"WHAT? Why? Are you out of your mind? Do you want to kill me? Next time chop of my both legs and hands like Obi-Wan did to Anakin."

"Calm down. You're not gonna die. I just don't want anyone to know you've seen me or talked to me. By the way, tomorrow morning you're leaving. And your real name is not Emily but Skylor." 

"Um... then I'm going to talk with my friends. I'll see you before I leave, right?"

"Yes, Sky. Don't worry."

I left the room with my thoughts debating what to tell them and what not. When I arrived at my old place , there I found the wolves and the VKs talking. As I entered in I  started telling them what happened and what my father told me, minus the part about Wyatt forgetting that he fell in love with me. They were shocked at he beginning but they wished me luck. In the morning I said goodbye to everyone, I entered the X-wing and left to D'Qar. As my father told me, my ship crashed into some woods near a base. When I got up of the X-wing, I checked to see if I'm hurt and if I still got my lightsaber. Then a man came from some woods and pointed a blaster towards me.

"Who are you and what do you want?" He asked me with his blaster still pointing me. Then I saw his jacket. It has the resistance symbol, the one my father told me about.

"I'm Skylor and I need to talk to General Organa." I answered his question calmly knowing I could trust him

"And why should she want to speak with a trespasser like you?" He really had a problem with the blaster pointing me.

"Because I'm her niece. I don't think I told you my full name. I'm Skylor Skywalker." That was the moment when his expression changed and he lowered his blaster.

"I'm Commander Dameron. I mean... Poe Dameron."

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