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I looked at Mikey in shock, looking at the black mask and taking a step back just with the pure amazement that he wore a different color than his orange. Naomi was the only one with the black mask, and that she wore on her tail instead. I never asked why it was on her tail instead of her face like the rest of us. Julie wore no mask that I was aware of...

"What...?" I asked, eyes wide.

"Cool, right?" he said, turning around. The mask still had the same shortness as the other mask, which made me wonder if he only dyed it. He may have, but it didn't have any of the orange on it, making me wonder...

"Not really..." I muttered, listening to the roaring and shattering above. "You were only up for only a few hours and you've escaped?"

"Not quite," he smirked as TigerClaw came up behind him and smirked, setting a hand on his shoulder before walking up to my cell. I backed up into the farthest wall as the tiger mutant unlocked my cell and entered, smirking with his two larger incisors poking out of his upper lip, making me whimper.

TigerClaw's large paw reached for him and I growled lowly, remembering what Mikey did earlier and jumped up, kicking him in his hand. I thought I heard bones, and he roared in pain before his other paw shot out and knocked me into the wall again, my head bashing against the stone. My vision blurred and I fell down, gritting my teeth. I felt the ground leave me as TigerClaw picked me up. I thought I heard Mikey snap at him, but my ears were ringing.

As he carried me upstairs, my sight starting coming back and I looked up, seeing that I was in the throne room. Both Topaz and Shol were there and everyone with their weapons drawn. My vision wavered as I heard metal steps beside TigerClaw come up. Shredder was beside him, his Gaunlet blades unsheathed. I looked down at the ground, hanging in the air by TigerClaw.

The dragons growled and I heard a hiss from either one of the dragons or Naomi. My hearing was coming back just as Leo was growling, "--her go!"

"Only if you tell me where the rat is!" Shredder snarled.

"Don't..." I heard myself mutter. TigerClaw growled and tossed me to the ground, making me gasp as my plastron hit the concrete floor. I curled up as I felt my legs crush between themselves. TigerClaw stomped on my them. I whimpered.

One of the dragons roared, fire close, but not wanting to risk harming me. I looked up with tears in my eyes. Julie was looking at me worried atop of Shol. Naomi was in front of Topaz with the look of hatred at the enemies above me. Everyone else was looking to the side.

Mikey walked in, his blue eyes looking at everyone with a smirk. I looked at him in pain and he noticed then looked at TigerClaw before at Shredder. Shredder growled and gestured to TigerClaw who set his foot on my side and kicked me away to the others, making me slide over to them.

Someone ran up to me. I saw purple mask ends, which made me know it was Donnie. Large and heavy footsteps jumped up and Shol landed in front of me, hissing, still not wanting to breathe fire due to Mikey there. Shredder, TigerClaw, and Mikey backed up into the shadows as Topaz roared.

Raph looked at Leo, "Why was Mikey..?"

"I don't know..." Leo muttered. "But we have to take care of Mikito and tell Sensei what happened... As long as they don't hurt him and Mikey doesn't tell them where we are, everybody is safe..."

"Mikey..." I muttered, my vision starting to blur with tears. Donnie picked me up and came up to Topaz. Naomi came up and helped him postition me on the make-shift saddle on her back. They strapped me to it and I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around the black dragon's neck. She was warm.

Naomi patted my shoulder gently before Topaz turned and left the chapel, opening her wings and taking off from the broken and smashed roof that they used to get in. As the black dragon flew up into the falling sky of dusk, I looked down at the falling ground.

Then it hit me... I really was only in there for a hours... Not days... So did Shredder really make Mikey break? I hung onto Topaz and let my tears fall as the wind hit my face.

Michaelangelo, You Made Me Smile (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now