Merry Christmas

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I woke up in my bed. I was staring at the wall, curled up on my side. My head was surprisingly clear. I sat up but quickly regretted it when a pounding headache decided to stab at my thoughts, blackening my vision. I laid back down and sighed.

When the migrane backed off, I sat up again and went to the door. My feet were bare from their usual wrappings and I also noticed my belt, mask and wrist wrappings were off as well. I looked around and found them in the closet like I had originally found them. When I reached to put them on, I paused. Was everything that happened was a dream? Or were the others so nice as to take my bandages and wrappings off?

I put the mask and other cloth items on and walked out of my room. Talons clicked past my door along with a scaley black hide. Topaz walked through the hallways toward Naomi and Raph's room. I watched as she pushed the door open with her snout. Two bundling and running balls of green rushed past her trunk-like legs and past my door into the main room. My eyes were wide as I watched them, blinking in an uncertain way.

Then I heard yanwing and turned back to Topaz who was chuckling softly. Naomi walked out with Raph behind her. Naomi climbed up on Topaz before passing out halfway up, clinging to her wing. Raph looked at his girlfriend unamused before scoffing and saying something inaudible before walking past me with a nod. With difficulty, Topaz tried to turn but decided that was futile and decided to go backward instead.

As I waited for the dragon to pass, I smiled and closed the door behind me. As Topaz finally righted herself forward, I saw Shol in the main room, watching me with his deep and wise blue eyes. I averted my eyes from his gaze and just shuffled after Topaz who was going to the dojo.

Leo and Julie were already there. Raph was just sitting down by the tree, pulling Melanie and Adrian away from the mountain of Christmas presents. I blinked, shocked. From all the action, I had completely forgotten it was getting closer to Christmas!

Looking around, I saw Shol pad in with Donnie close behind. Donnie wasn't looking up as Julie was handing out presents. No. He was talking quietly to Mikey. Mikey was listening, but then turned to look at me once Shol went to lay by Topaz (dragons really don't sit). As Donnie let Mikey go, he came up to me and smiled.

Smiling back, I went to sit on the other side of the tree. Mikey followed and sat by me. We didn't say a word to one another. It felt weird having him back. I knew he was back and we saved him because he still had a few bruises and shadows under his eyes, visible from under his orange mask.

"Alright, last one," Raph finally said.

I watched as he handed me the last. This was my first and last gift. Mikey got a few, Naomi and Julie dozens, the kids a truck load, the dragons each only one that was roughly deer shaped, Sensei a couple, and Donnie, Leo and Raph only a few.

Melanie and Adrian already had all their gifts ripped open and playing with the toys they were given. Everyone else was working on their presents. Mikey and Naomi were waiting for me to open mine. With a nervous gulp, I started peeling away the green holly wrapping paper.

Inside, it was a simple and small brown packaging box. It was taped shut. I got out a ninja star and gently poked a hole in the tape. I kept it close to the rim as I brought the sharp star across the tape. I opened the box and inside was a simple--

"Mistletoe," Naomi said.

I looked at her, confused, "Why?"

"It's Christmas. You saved Mikey," Naomi smiled, looking at Mikey. Then she turned to me and added, "And maybe you shouldn't be left in the dark anymore."

"How will this help me see?" I asked.

Naomi smiled and leaned over a box that was in her lap. Her tail flicked, making tossed away wrapping paper crinkle. "Hang it up."

"And nobody will be standing underneath?" I asked cautiously.

"Nobody guarentees anything on Christmas."

I frowned at her and Naomi only smiled and sat back again as Adrian darted past, waving around a water gun with no water. He was shooting at Melanie with nothing coming out and Melanie chasing after with a cat costume on, a hand-made tail cover for her already long tail.

Sighing, I got up and looked around for a place to hang up the simple Christmas decoration. Shol watched me before he blew warm air at me. I turned to him and he nodded toward the dojo entrance. Donnie was finishing putting up a nail, looking at me with a soft smile. As I came up, I frowned and he smiled innocently this time before backing up.

As I got on my tiptoes to try to hang it up, I knew I was too short. Donnie was too tall... I groaned and tried again and squealed as someone grabbed my sides and hoisted me up. I wiggled and squirmed and kicked whoever was holding me.

"Ow!" Mikey cried, setting me back down again. I turned to him shocked. He was holding his side and looked in pain. "I was only trying to help..."

"I-I'm sorry..." I stuttered. "You just scared me."

"Yeah...?" He looked at me. "I could tell. And, boy, you got a sure kick on you."

I giggled and tried covering my face with the mistletoe when I noticed it wasn't in my hand. I looked around, shocked before looking up. Adrian was holding it above Mikey and I's heads. He was on Naomi's shoulder's who was being lifted by Raph.

"Really..." I muttered. Adrian giggled and Naomi nodded.

Before I could turn to Mikey, his lips met mine in a swift action and I could only try to hold on to him before everything went black and I was falling.

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