My Mikey...!

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I watched as Shredder opened Mikey's cell and grabbed him by his shell and drag him away. My whole being filled with fright as I gripped the bars, crying out. Bradford snarled at me to make me quiet, but I hissed at him, hitting the bars, not caring if they were going to be bruised or not.

"Let him go!!" I shouted.

Shredder and Bradford left without another word. My eyes widened and I wailed, sitting back. Mikey was trying to be nice to me and all I did was hurt him. I didn't want him to go like that! I at least wanted to apologize! I went to the corner of the cell and layed down, digging my face in my arms, shaking.

What was I going to do? I'm stuck... Captured... Lame...

I put my head on my hands in defeat, worried of what the outcome will be. My only hope was that Shredder was only going to use him as bait for the others or maybe even try to pry into him to make the information come out. I wasn't sure, but I knew that both options had a bad ending...

What seemed like days were only hours. Minutes were seconds. My mind reeled at the thought of Shredder hurting Mikey. He needed me close.... I needed him... But after hours of trying to listen to what was happening, I gave up because all I heard was the silent buzz of silence.

Curling up in the corner, I started crying, not caring if they hurt me. I wanted Mikey safe. But I wasn't even sure if that was a possibility now after so long. I looked around the cell in shame. My mind was fuzzled and completely blank except of the orange-masked Turtle who rescued me a few hours ago from Shredder. He offered himself rather than me, and it made me feel sick.

I was the one who Shredder should hate. I was the FootClan soldier that was whisked away by the Turtles. I should have contacted him. But Naomi and Julie and Mikey all made me stop and think. Was I really in the right place? Here was Naomi and Julie, perfectly happy without a care in the world. They had boyfriends and Naomi with kids. I knew Julie was next... Why couldn't I be them?

Was that why I agreed to follow Mikey to watch the stars? Because I wanted to belong with the Turtles and my best friends? Maybe even become what Naomi and Julie are: happy and content. But they seem to be troubled by something from me, but I don't know what. Am I missing something important? If it is, then they should know it. So why not tell me?

Soon, my head started hurting with the pounding questions and guilty answers about what I was thinking about. I head my head, worried about me and Mikey, but more of Mikey since I couldn't see him. I really hoped he was okay...

Then I heard this giant rumble and then, louder than the rumble, an ear-piercing roar. My eyes widened and my vision was blurry as it happened. I was jolted to my right mind as I sat up, looking around. My depression was gone.

I thought I heard yelling and shouting, but that might've just been my imagination. Until I heard someone slip in the dungeon without coming through the door. I got up and came up to the bars, looking out into the dim light. Something ran by and I blinked in confusion.

"Who's there?" I asked. No answer. I looked around and then to the door. There were no Foot Bots guarding it. They were in a heap on the floor. "Who's there!"

"Mikito, relax," Mikey's voice said, showing himself. He looked at me and I blinked. He seemed different. His stance was more confident, he seemed a little taller, and, above all, he wore a black mask.

Michaelangelo, You Made Me Smile (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now