"A Foot in the Lair?!"

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(Mikey POV)

Mikito was a lot heavier than I remembered... Was it the Foot getup that made her heavier or was it my imagination? Whatever it was, she was heavy!

I had to stuff my skateboard down into my belt to keep it in placed as I carried an unconscious Foot ninja to the lair. Naomi sent me a mental note saying that who I was seeing was Mikito, but she told me not to try and get her. But I disobeyed, thinking that I might not see her again and I wouldn't have another chance so what choice would I have?

Naomi didn't approve as I knocked the poor girl unconscious, but I had ignored her by then and picked Mikito up. I was on my way back to the lair and I noticed a few buildings back, I saw some Foot ninjas looking around and calling out. Calling out for someone named Cindy. Didn't Naomi once say that Cindy was Mikito's human name? I stopped to think but couldn't remember so I just continued to the lair.

Getting her down the sewer hole was hard because I didn't want to throw her down or let her go and her hit the floor real hard. I thought that was scary if I did that and she hit her head.... She could go into a coma! I would never talk to her then!

But I set her over my shoulder and climbed down the ladder. Seemed the most appropriate... I closed the manhole cover and jumped down and landed on my feet, keeping the unconscious body close.

I looked at her carefully in the dim light as I was on my way to our home. Her hair was a light and gorgeous brown. Her skin was light and she even had some freckles like me below her eyes and on her cheeks. She was thin... But I tried to convince myself that that was from training so much.

When I walked in the lair, I peered in. All the decorations were put up, but nobody was in sight. I was curious, so I put Mikito on the couch and went to investigate. There was nobody in the kitchen or dojo. No one in the lab, either... So I started checking the rooms. Naomi and Raph's door was propped open and I opened it more and looked in. Everyone was somehow gathered around the bed and smiling in relief.

"What's going on?" I asked as I came in.

Leo looked up and smiled a little, "Naomi had the egg and she's fine."

"Why wouldn't she be fine?" I asked again.

"Because it could be deadly to a lady, Mikey," Julie answered as she came up with some blood on her hands and front. "Excuse me while I take a shower."

I moved out of the way as Julie walked past, going straight to the bathroom. Curious, I slipped past Leo and Sensei. Raph was by a worn out Naomi who was holding a pale brown egg. She looked up at me as Donnie gently took the round object from her.

"I'm going to put it in the incubator, okay?" Donnie asked on his way out the door. Naomi only nodded as she looked at me. I looked down because I knew that knew that Mikito was on the couch.

Sensei noiced the tension and asked, "What is the matter?"

"I brought.... Mikito home..." I muttered.

"Mikito?" Leo asked.

"How do you know it's her?" Raph growled lowly. "Nobody that knew her was with you!"

"Because Naomi told me!" I defended.

They looked at Naomi. She blinked and frowned. "I told you not to bring her home. She can't deal with all this."

"Why?" Raph asked. "You and Julie handled it well..."

Naomi looked at him and growled, "We weren't in the Foot!"

Everyone froze. I gritted my teeth and lowered my head. Leo left the room instantly. Raph was looking at me shocked. Sensei and Naomi were sighing and shaking their heads.

"There's a Foot in the lair?!" Raph nearly shouted. "Are you kidding me right now, Mikey? Are you kidding?!"

"I wish I was..." I whined. Naomi sighed and her bloody tail flicked. I looked away and rocked back on my heels. "I just really wanted my baby back too since all of you guys have your own..."

"Except Leonardo," Sensei pointed out. "And besides, Michaelangelo, we still do not really know if this is going to be Mikito."

"She goes by Cindy in her human form," Naomi put in. I smiled. So I was right! The Foot soldiers who were calling for her were shouting Cindy. So I did have my Mikito back! "But she will not go by Mikito until she remembers."

"When will she remember?" I asked painfully, looking up at Naomi. She looked much skinnier after the egg.

Naomi shrugged and curled up. "I know it is after she mutates... But she will not remember after the mutation, or her weapon, since she does already have a weapon..."

Raph looked at Naomi as she yawned. Sensei got the message and left the room quietly. As for me, I wanted answers. I know that Naomi knew how Mikito would remember! But I would have to change her first.

"Mikey, don't!" Naomi snapped, but I was already out the door and towards the lab.

Michaelangelo, You Made Me Smile (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now