Healing, Plans

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When Topaz finally did land in the lair, she took me to the lab. Following behind her a few minutes was Shol with Donnie and Raph on the back. Donnie came up and helped me off of Topaz. I let him without complaint from my injuries. Raph ran off to another room, his and Naomi's by the looks of it.

Topaz helped Donnie put me on the lab table. I said nothing, my throat clenched with pain from my head and legs and even a few brusies on my plastron. Shol came into the corner of my vision and I looked at him. His eyelids drooped from sadness or pain, I couldn't tell, before the tip of his snout touched my legs.

I let out a strangled wail as I felt bones snap and pop back into place. Topaz got on her back legs and pinned me down on the table as I tried to wiggle away. The pain resided and I looked at Shol with wide and hurting eyes. He looked at me. I whimpered.

"Your legs will be fine now," he said quietly. "Donatello will wrap your head. The legs ebbed the magic in me."

"Magic?" I blinked.

"I am an angel dragon, young one," he stated. "I can heal, but only to a point."

I nodded and Donnie left for bandaging. Topaz let me go and I sat up, my legs dangling from the edge of the table. About ten minutes later, after Donnie bandaged my head up, the others started filing in. Julie was first, then the rest came in. They all checked on me, Julie worried sick about what had happened.

Leo, Raph, who was back from checking the kids from the sounds of it, and Donnie were talking in quiet voices at the doorway of the lab. They were talking about Mikey, I could tell. I looked away and started tearing up, shaking.

It was my fault that Mikey did this. I hurt his feelings. Naomi looked at me as I started blaming myself. She came up and set a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and she was watching me with a hurt expression before hugging me. The only thing I could do was hug back.

"He'll be back," she said quietly.

"We gotta save him..." I whined softly.

A low growl made me jump and turn to Shol. Julie jumped to him and tried to calm him down. The white dragon looked at Julie worried and muttered, "I will not let you become hurt again..."

"This time it's different, though," Leo said as he came over.

"How is it different?" Topaz hissed. "Last time we tried saving one but two died!"

"We know the layout now," Leo continued. "And where Mikey might be."

Confused, I said nothing and just looked down with Naomi beside me. They continued to argue about how Mikey would come back. I sighed, thinking of my own way to bring Mikey back. Then I looked up toward the living room and the dojo.

As I got up, everyone got quiet. I limped to the dojo toward the tree. My legs still felt funny and I could still feel a little pain. Looking behind the tree, I saw the decorations box. Opening it was the last ornament that everyone said Mikey didn't put up. I picked it up.

"Cindy?" Julie saked cautiously.

"I wanna give him this..." I said quietly. "Maybe he'll come to his senses..."

"Will it work?" Donnie asked.

"I hope..." I whined. "So can we go quickly?"

Leo spoke up then, "We need a back-up plan..."

"What kind?" Raph asked.

Naomi left then, leaving the rest of us to talk about the plan B. I stared at the ornament, thinking that he would recognize it and instantly turn on Shredder and come back with us. If he didn't accept it, I don't know what I'd do...

Michaelangelo, You Made Me Smile (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now