To Try and Save Mikey

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With my legs finally starting to feel correct again, but with my head still bandaged, I got on Topaz with Leo. Donnie and Julie got on Shol. Raph and Naomi were staying behind this time, even though they really had to go. They watched the dragons pad down the quiet tunnels. I looked down, waiting for us to go topside.

The tunnels echoed the dragon's clacking talons making it sound as if there were icicles crashing down to the concrete and metal railings below. Shol and Topaz didn't seem to mind or care. I can't really blame them. I got used to it after a while too. It actually starting sounding comforting. The constant and even clacking.

Before long, Donnie pressed a button and the dragons quickened their pace as the hidden sewer entrance that only they and the giant subway car I've seen near Donnie's lab can fit through. Shol went first, for him being the bigger of the two dragons, and jumped up, opening and flapping his wings hard when he wasn't in the alley, but rather the street. Topaz went next, and being the smaller, her wings could fit in the alley outspread and gained altitude faster than the white dragon. Behind us, Donnie closed the tunnel way.

Both dragon's altitude gained greatly with each flap of their wings. My ears popped and I grit my teeth, eyes closed with the air flow around us. Leo hung on only with his knees, probably not wanting to hold me to him. I don't blame him. I would probably hit him.

As they leveled out, I looked down to see that we could still see the city very well. We weren't higher than the clouds. I imagine the dragons could've seen from that distance, but I assumed they were doing it out of our spite and caring. They swayed a little in their flight and I clutched whatever I could in front of me. It was a leather strap. Only then did I realize Topaz wore a black leather saddle to match her scales.

When the chapel came into view, which wasn't long after we took to the skies, the dragon's slowed their flight and started to circle the building. I looked up when we were getting closer. I saw Julie crouch low on Shol like one would do as if they were about to hop off. I was about to cry out that we were still to close, but she jumped off anyway. Shol didn't seem to care, but I watched her the whole way. She landed with a crouch on a building beside the chapel.

"She does that," Leo grumbled behind me. "Likes to try and fly herself... Don't try it, you'll get hurt."

But the dragons lowered themselves more, landing on the building, probably not caring for stealth for the way their talons clacked and scratched the concrete. I slid off Topaz and examined her saddle more before Leo distracted me by calling me over to where the Chapel still had the gaping hole from the first attack.

We peered in. Footbots were looking up at us and Bradford was snarling, Tiger Claw had a gun in his hand and Fishface with knives. Shredder and Mikey were no where to be found. I gulped as Bradford ordered the bots toward us with his boney fingers. Yelping like dogs, the bots advanced. We all ducked behind the broken shafts as the robots advanced closer. When they were close enough, the dragons took opposite sides of the hole and opened their maws with sharp teeth and let loose jets of flame.

The yelping ceased and we hopped on the dragons closets to us, I got on Shol this time, and we decended down, using the dragons' scales to avoid the lingering flame. When they landed again, we got off. Bradford snarled and lunged at us, but Topaz whacked him away with a tail. Shol held back the other two henchmen while the rest of us went to find Shredder and Mikey.

Our first guess was the dungeon. Nothing was there. We looked around frantically then I wailed, "Baxter's Lab!"

"How are we going to get there from here!" Leo asked, waiting if someone was going to attack.

Looking around, I went through a tunnel while the others followed. I have only been to Baxter's lair a few times, but I have been there enough to find the tunnel that led to the place because it was really only under the chapel and to the side just a little ways...

We went through the front entrance. Baxter buzzed by. No alarms were going off, so Shredder or them may not know that we attacked yet. But I looked around at the difference Baxter has been making his lab. He's started to put habitats in and even body guards, from what I've been hearing, from sea animals.

Baxter buzzed higher and Leo led the group of us after that. We jumped from shadow to shadow, keeping watch out. I looked down at the most farthest deepest cages, wondering if I'd see Mikey or Shredder.

We continued down, hiding whenever Baxter buzzed by, whispering and muttering things none of knew what. We made it to the lower floors. I looked around, frantic. Nobody was in the cages, nor were Shredder or Mikey around.

Without thinking, I cried out, "Mikey!"

"Mikito!" "Mikito!" "Cindy!" I heard the other three snap at me.

Baxter buzzed down quickly before flying back up in the circle of cages. I looked down as the others ran. I heard an alarm go off and I flinched. Following the others, we hid. Footbots started pouring in and I gulped as they searched the place. Finally, I heard the metal clacking of Shredder himself looking around.

Shredder and Baxter exchanged a few words. The four of us changed positions regularly as we tried going back to the top, making sure we were hidden long enough. I didn't want to leave, so I stopped once we were near the door. Everyone turned to me.

"Come on!" Julie said, fur bristling in fright. "We can find him soon!"

"No!" I said, stomping my foot. "I know he's here!"

"I know I am," a voice said behind me. I froze and turned to see Mikey coming up to us, a bow strung with an arrow notched in it. Footbots surrounded him. "But I like hiding and watching."

"Mikey!" I smiled, already getting the ornament out to show him. He let loose the arrow and it flew by my hand, scratching me. I cried out and dropped the decoration. It clattered to the floor before bouncing down the endless cages. "No!"

Mikey growled and stepped up, "Now you won't be saved!" and slammed his foot on my head, making my world go black once more.

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