Advice and Giggles

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(Mikey POV)

Mikito left me in the dojo. She looked lost in thought for the longest time before leaving. I watched her go with a hurt expression, knowing she doesn't want anything to do with me after I mutated her.

I looked down and then Sensei walked in. He noticed my pain and came up to me, "Michaelangelo? What is wrong?"

"It's Mikito... I feel like she doesn't want to speak or do anything with me," I explained. "I just want her back to her original self. Her Mikito self. Not Cindy."

"You cannot rush things," Sensei said. "You must get to know the new Mikito, for she may have matured some since last we seen her."

"But that means I might change!"

"Do you think some change is bad? Mikito changed into her Turtle form, yes, but does that mean she changes opinion or get memories right away?"

"No...." I said.

"Did Naomi or Juliet change their mo memories at first meeting Raphael or Donatello?" Sensei pressed on.

I groaned and looked down, muttering, "No..."

"So why would Mikito change of first meeting you? Try to get to know this new Mikito. You may find her to be the same as the old." And with the last sentence, he left for the kitchen to probably get a cheesicle from Ice Cream Kitty.

But he did make sense, for the most part. I need to know Mikito. And my first step should be of trying the same way Raph and Donnie made Naomi and Julie to remember.

But, I hit dead ends instantly. I hadn't even left the dojo yet. Naomi remembered from her mutation. Mikito was already mutated. She seemed to hate me for that. And Julie remembered from her old weapon. Mikito had a weapon... Sensei took it from her when in her rage of fit from mutation nearly slashed at Leo.

So how would Mikito remember? I stood and thought about the question for a long while before giving up, knowing it was useless with my head.

I finally decided to just be polite and nice and show Mikito the rest of the lair. I looked around the lair before knocking on her door.

She didn't answer right away, but when she opened the door, I smiled, "Hey, Mik--Cindy...!"

Her Brown eyes turned harsh for a second, "What do you want?"

"I wanna show you the rest of the lair..." I said. It was a good start. She hasn't slammed the door in my face again.

For the longest time, she didn't answer. Then her expression lightened up and nodded, "Sure."

"Great!" I grinned, bouncing a little up on my toes.

"No funny business, though," she snapped, pointing a finger at me. I gulped at the point, remembering all the times she had made explosions with a sumps finger point. I think she noticed my uncomfort and looked at me like I was crazy before lowering her hand and following me through the lair.

We stopped at Donnie's lab first. I showed her all his cool gadgets while him and Julie were out, but Shol was in there and shooed us out, Mikito totally freaked out about the dragon still, but didn't press the subject.

Then we went to the kitchen and I introduced get to Ice Cream Kitty. Kitty meowed and purred happily. Mikito giggled like she was her old self and petted Kitty behind his ears. I laughed when she said her fingers felt sticky.

I closed the freezer and she washed her hands to get the ice cream off before looking at me and smiling. Maybe this new Mikito wasn't all that bad. And maybe it wouldn't be that hard to get my old one back.

Michaelangelo, You Made Me Smile (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now