Bakugo - I Win

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I fell back onto the ground with a hard thump as I groaned in pain. Surrounded by a sharp ringing sound, I lifted my right hand up to my ear, bringing it back down to reveal a bit of blood dripping down my index finger.

Shit. I thought to myself.

I looked back up in time to see a bright light shooting toward my face. Quickly, I dodged to the side.

Currently, I was in training as part of my program as a student in the hero course at UA. Today, I had been paired with the infamous Katsuki Bakugo. While I'd normally appreciate the chance to spar with one of the most talented future heroes at UA, Bakugo had had a rough morning so far due to a loss of sleep and was letting out all of his anger on me. He's truly such a menace sometimes.

As I got up from the floor, he used his quirk to propel himself forward, ready to continue his offensive attack on me. Despite already being injured and knowing that the proper protocol was to call the fight off and alert Aizawa so that I could be excused to Recovery Girl's office, my annoyance toward Bakugo began to take over, leading me to putting my fists up as I dug my feet into the ground, preparing for impact.

As Bakugo flew toward me, I instantly reacted to his movements, ensuring that he couldn't land a hit on me with his blasts. After he landed, I activated my quirk - Frost. It allows me to freeze over anything I touch. While similar to Todoroki's cold half, it differs in the fact that I don't actually produce ice. Rather, a layer of incredibly cold frost, as the name would suggest, covers over anything already existing. When I touch the frost again, I can also choose to deactivate and melt it away.

By grazing the cement with my fingers right as Bakugo's feet touched it, I was able to send a wave of Frost in mere milliseconds to hit his boots and glue his stance to the floor. Obviously, though, this wasn't enough to stop him. With a near immediate response, he used Explosion to get rid of the frost.

Once again, he rushed at me, this time screaming out, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THAT!" We then engaged in hand-to-hand combat, exchanging punches and kicks while also trying to evade the others' attacks.

Despite being one of the more experienced fighters in 1A, it's still difficult to compare to someone like Bakugo. Him, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Tokoyami were miles ahead of the rest of us when it came to this kind of skill.

After a while, I began to feel weary, and Bakugo caught on to me quickly. In a brief moment, he was able to capitalize on my slower speed and grabbed both of my wrists in his left hand. Then, in one swift motion, he tackled me to the ground, pinning my arms above my head as he kneeled over my core, threatening to use his Explosion as his right hand hovered over my face.

I winced and closed my eyes, expecting the heat of his quirk. However, it never came. I felt his grip loosen as I opened my eyes. I initially thought he had stopped because he felt like I had been beaten, but part of our training was that our spars weren't considered complete until somebody surrendered, was thrown out of the training block, became fully immobilized in some way, or if it escalated to the point where Aizawa needed to come stop us.

Looking up at him, I could see that underneath his typical fierce scowl, his eyes held a sense of worry. Releasing his grip entirely, he gently cupped the left side of my face as he examined the blood that was nearly completely dry. "Fuck, y/n. Is this from me? Why didn't you stop the match earlier?" He remarked. His words came off aggressively, as he held an accusatory tone, but there was also something about the way he said it that was incredibly soft and gentle.

I had never seen Bakugo like this before.

Normally, he was just some egotistical douche with no regard for anyone else. Yet, for some reason, it seemed like he was genuinely concerned for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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