Chapter 14 - Temporary Home

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I'm still awake. But I can't hear anything but Carl's own voice.

"Why would you let him treat you like that?" He said the day he saved my life.

Because I was stupid. Because I didn't know how to defend myself. Because I didn't want to defend myself. Because there was only so much I could handle. Because he would kill me. Because I was scared.

My eyes are getting heavier and heavier by the second. I don't know how Tyreese got the knife, but he did. And then he stabbed the man in the head.

I collapsed on the ground. Trying to stop the tears. Trying to stop the bleeding. Trying to stop the heartache.

Trying to stop everything.

Tyreese kneeled down and wrapped my cuts. I had four on my wrist, one on my left cheek, and right below that one on my chin.

He didn't know what to do with the ones on my face because, obviously, you can't wrap them. After a while of thinking and trying new methods, he gave up.

"We'll find some rubbing alcohol later," he said.

"Okay," I whispered.

I forgot Judith was in the room until she started crying. Tyreese quickly turned around and picked her up from the container. I tried to get up a few times but I felt light-headed, so I gave myself a few minutes to recover and eventually got up.

We all walked out to search for Carol when I saw something in the sunlight. It was the whole group walking towards us. Including Carol.

Something was wrong, though. I didn't see Beth.

Is she dead?

I was on the verge of tears until Carl ran up to me and pulled me in for a hug. It took some work to lift my weak arms, but I did. I tucked my head in the crook of his neck and I could feel some of his tears falling onto my shoulder.

He slowly let go after a total of 7 seconds.

I didn't even realize Rick was standing behind Carl. He pulled me in for a hug, as well, but not for as long.

Tyreese gave Carl Judith and Rick walked over to Carl. A grin had formed on both of their lips, identical. Now I can see the resemblance. Well, other than the gorgeous blue eyes.

I walked over to Daryl. I saw Beth leave with him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Huh?" Daryl asked, confused.

"To Beth."

Daryl and Carol both exchanged glances and looked back at me.

Carol spoke up. "Beth was kidnapped. We don't know where she went," she said in a sympathetic voice.


I feel this rage inside me, one that I've hold in for so long. Since Elliot. And I can't take it anymore. Now Beth is gone. Again.

"And you just let her get-" I stopped myself. It wasn't right to bring it out on Daryl. It wasn't his fault. He was close to her too.

All of a sudden, tears were flowing down my face like a river. But I didn't sob. I turned away. I can't cry.

I sat down on a log a few feet away, and propping my elbows on my thighs to hold my head, looked down at the ground. Carl must've noticed because I felt him sit down next to me.

"Hey...," he said quietly.

"Hey...," I replied.

Carl's warm hands gently pushed my elbows down and lifted up my chin. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't keep eye contact with him.

"What happened at Terminus?" I asked.

"Too good to be true...cannibals..." He mumbled.

"So there really is no safe place, huh?" I asked.

Carl nodded. I felt the knot in my throat get tighter.

I can't take anymore of this. Of life.

"I missed you," Carl said poking my leg.

"I missed you too...a lot actually..." I felt a smile grow on my lips.

"Oh, really?" Carl chuckled a bit.

It was nice to hear his laugh again. After 2 months? 1 month? I lost track. It felt like a year, though.

"Maybe we should get going," he said.

"I guess," I shrugged.

But, I didn't want to leave. I didn't want this moment to end. I wanted to stay here, with Carl. After being lost for as long as I can remember, I feel like I finally found something I can hold onto.

After all this time, I have realized:

Carl is my temporary home.

Author's Note:

I honestly cannot wait to write more of this! I've been addicted to writing this and I want to thank all of my supporters or people who read this! It means the world to me.



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