Chapter 11 - The Attack

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I didn't see it coming.

I've heard of the man with the eyepatch quite a few times, the one who calls himself the governor.

Rick told me the governor was a threat, but we could take care of him.

We could win the war against the governor.

We were wrong.

Technically, it was a tie. We lost Hershel, but the governor is dead.

The group got separated after the attack. We don't know who is alive and who is not. I know that Carol, Tyreese, Lizzie, Judith, and Mika are still alive because I am with them.

However, I don't know if the others, Glenn, Maggie, Carl, Rick, Michonne, Beth, and Daryl, are still alive.

On the bright side, right before the attack, I got my abortion pills.

I hated myself for killing a baby since I believe everyone has a right to live, but it had to be done. I couldn't have Elliot's baby. I wouldn't have Elliot's baby.

Carol has been taking good care of Judith, Lizzie, and Mika. She takes care of me too, of course, but since they are younger they need more attention. And Mika really likes Carol.

So do I. Carol is really encouraging and sweet. She treats us like her own daughters. She told me about her real daughter, Sophia. She didn't make it.

Sophia and Carl were best friends, though. After all I've heard about what Carl has been through, I didn't think it could get any worse. But, our world is messed up. And that's life.

I wondered if he would date her if she was still here, alive. Probably. If she was still alive, he probably wouldn't have gone into the woods that one day.

That one day he saved my life.

"Don't worry, Amelia," Carol said one day. "Carl is probably with his dad. He's safe."

"I know...I guess...I just wish none of this would've happened," I said.

It's true. The one day you least expect it, boom, it happens.

"No one wanted this to happen. And no one could stop it from happening," she said.

Carol. The wise one.

We are currently walking on a railroad track. Lizzie and Mika are talking behind Carol and I and Tyreese is in the back.

We came to a stop when we saw a sign that said: Terminus. Those who arrive survive.

Carol looked back at Tyreese and they exchanged glances. It's only about 50 miles north, and no doubt that's where the group would meet.

I hadn't been in the group that long, but I know how they think.

Carol told me to watch the girls while she discussed it with Tyreese.

I let the girls talk while I stood around, which was fine with me because they were talking about butterflies as if there is some beauty left on Earth.

When Carol and Tyreese were finished, they came back to us and announced their conclusion.

And just like that, we headed to Terminus.

Author's Note:

I have very exciting news! I'm going to be creating another book/story (whatever you want to call it) called "Everything In Me". It's not a FanFiction, it is an original! It's gonna be about a girl who runs away to LA at the age of 18 and it's basically her road trip to LA! She also meets this guy at a karaoke place one night and he randomly wants to help her get to LA.

I'm very excited! Hopefully you are too!



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