Chapter 20 - Tired

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So I guess now my main goal is to find Beth. Not because it would maybe bring me back to the group, but because she was probably one of the few people who would actually want me.


It wasn't until Beth was gone had I realized that I didn't really know Beth personally. I only went to her for problem solving, which was utterly selfish of me. I want to get to know Beth personally.

Before it's too late.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I never actually really knew Carl personally. Am I really that self-conscious of myself? wonder Rick kicked me out.

All of a sudden, I just...exploded. I slowly brought myself down to the trunk of a tree and just sobbed, not really caring if I just died anymore.

But if I died, I couldn't make things right. And I had to make things right.

I had to get up and stay strong. I learned that from Carol. It was originally meant for Lizzie, but it had a huge impact on me too.

It was around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I guess now was a good time to start looking for somewhere I could sleep. Getting back up, I went on my way. This forest had to end somewhere.

And it did. After about 5 miles, it finally ended at a subdivision. I don't know why I was so grateful for my feet to have hit the hard gravel on the cool ground. I closed my eyes and listened.

I'm not sure exactly what I was listening for, but I listened. As I stepped forward, it hit me.

I don't mean an idea or anything.

I mean something actually hit me.

Before I knew it, I was laying down on my back and my eyes were wide open. Dead, but still open.

I feel like I pass out too much, which is true. But sometimes you can't fight how tired you are at everything.

And I was tired.

Tired of screwing things up.

Tired of not being good enough.

Tired of not being trustworthy enough.

Tired of being tired.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I know. Really short chapter. I feel like this FanFiction is like a roller coaster. It gets really good, then average...and then really good again. Right now we are going up, just at the tip of thrill.



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