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Patronus charms are produced by the caster focusing on their happiest memory. I read while scribbling down notes with my quill.

"I am!" I complain under my breath as I wave my wand yet again. Probably about the hundredth time that day that I've tried to cast the spell.

"Maybe it's not happy enough," someone says, sliding into the seat across from me. I look up. It's Cedric.

"Where have you been all day?" I ask, setting my wand down.

"Classes," he answers simply. "We have a potions exam and a charms test tomorrow. Are you free to study tonight?"

I sigh inhaling the calming smell of plants in the Hufflepuff Common Room. I hear the fire crackling and the other Hufflepuffs in small conversation. I can hear the turn of pages.

Suddenly, Cedric is looking at me intently.

"Hello? y/n are you listening?" he asks.

"Yeah sorry. I had plans with the girls tonight," I say. "Girls only sleepover."

"Are you sure it's going to be girls only?" Cedric asks.

"I- um yeah. They said it is."

"You know what happened the last time they said that right?"

"I know, I know. I was a 5th wheel. It's fine. Don't remind me."

"Well if you do become a 5th wheel, you know where to find me," Cedric says.

"Thanks," I nod.

He pulls out his homework while I sigh and comprehend what he just said. Sometimes being popular makes me feel more alone than if I only had one friend.

"Hey, what's our next class?"

"Potions," I say, closing my charms textbook.

"Can you look over my homework real quick? Before class?" he slides the paper over to me. "Never been quite good at potions, probably going to fail my potions O.W.L this year and well, you're good at everything."

"Am not! but yeah sure," I flip his homework and start looking over it.

While I'm looking over it, Sofia and Leona, my two best friends, enter the common room.

"Hey y/n!" Sofia says as we have a group hug. My Gryffindor best friend's light brown hair flowed over her shoulders. Her green eyes shine like emeralds and a grassy field on a sunny day.

"Hey Sofia. Hey Leona," I smile at my best friends.

"I haven't seen you all day, how are you?" Leona asks. Her dirty blond hair is parted into two braids. Her blue eyes shine like the Atlantic ocean and always has the fierce competitiveness of Ravenclaw reflected in them.

"I've been good. We have potions with you guys next, Leona. I'll see you then." I say.

"Yeah, I have charms, how was it?" Sofia asks.

"It was fine. You just continue learning cistem aperio," Leona answers.

"I just cannot master that spell!" Sofia complains.

She and Leona sit on the couch talking avidly about charms class. Meanwhile, I turn around to finish correcting Cedric's homework. Just when I finish, Leona turns to me.

"I'm going to head to potions. You coming y/n?"

I check the time, sigh and grab my textbooks to head to potions. Before I leave, I turn around and look at Cedric.

"Here," I say and smile as I hand his homework to him. Then I turn around before he can say anything and leave with Leona.

Expecto Patronum || Cedric Diggory x Hufflepuff Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now