~ e i g h t e e n ~

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I hung onto Hermione's waist as we flew through the sky on Buckbeak.

"You were right Hermione! It wasn't my parents I saw earlier. It was me and y/n! I saw us conjuring the patronus before!" Harry says excitedly.

"y/n how did you even know how to do it? You never got lessons with Professor Lupin," Hermione asks.

"I just thought about Cedric really," I smile to myself. "I guess the lessons paid off, Harry?"

"I knew I could do it this time because I had already done it! Does that make sense?" Harry asks.

"No!" Hermione and I say at the same time.

"And I really don't like flying- AHHHH!" Hermione screams. I hold her hand for comfort.

We near the highest tower and start descending.

"Bombarda!" Hermione yells and the door breaks open. We usher Sirius on Buckbeak and take off again.

"Nice one 'mione!" I smile.

We settle down into the Courtyard and I get off first and help Hermione, Harry, and Sirius off.

"I'll be forever grateful for this," Sirius says.

While Harry and Sirius have a godson, godfather talk, Hermione pulls me aside, not wanting to disturb the moment. We prep and feed Buckbeak so that he's ready when Sirius is.

"Y'know... you thinking of Cedric to produce that patronus is rather cute," Hermione smiles, stroking Buckbeak's beak.

"I- uhm- yeah I suppose," I let out a nervous laughter.

Hermione's smile fades slowly as she looks at me, still stroking Buckbeak. "You really love don't you?"

I let out a sigh and stroke Buckbeak's wing gently. "Yeah... yeah I really do."

Hermione nods then looks back up at the hippogriff and softly laughs and smiles at the same time. "He really loves you too y'know." she smiles at me.

"You think so?"

"I know so," she grins. "And you don't have to take my word for it. I mean I'm two years younger than you are and all that but-"

"Even if it's not true it was good to hear," I smile. "Thanks Hermione."

"It's good having a girl best friend once in a while y'know?" Hermione says, taking my hand and giving it a quick squeeze. "Harry and Ron are sometimes way too much."
Suddenly Sirius shows up and gets on Buckbeak.

"You two really are the brightest witches of your ages," Sirius says sincerely.

Hermione and I let out a small smile as we retreated back next to Harry.

Buckbeak let's out a hollar and takes off running. The three of us ran up to see him flying away.

"We have to go," Hermione says, grabbing my hand and taking off running. Harry follows close behind us.

We run into Dumbledore.

"Well?" he asks.

"He's free. We did it," Harry says breathlessly.

"Did what?" Dumbledore asks cryptically.

"You-" I started.

"Good night," Dumbledore waves at us and goes down the stairs.

We open the door to the Hospital wing just in time to see past us before the time turner disappears.

"How did you get there..." Ron says pointing at us.

"When we were just talking to you there!" Cedric finishes pointing at where past us had disappeared.

"What are they talking about Hermione? Harry? Do you know?" I ask.

"Honestly guys," Hermione says.

"How could anyone be in two places at once?" Harry finishes.

The three of us laugh. It's been an interesting day.

a/n: Sorry I broke that alternating pattern. I kinda had to because it wouldn't really make sense so sorry about that. Anyways if you enjoyed this chapter please consider voting/commenting! See you in two days! ~ Chloe

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