~ t h i r t e e n ~

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a/n: don't start the song yet. There's a specific moment you should start it and I'll tell you when just enjoy reading for now :)

I throw the covers off of me. It's the weekend which means no classes, thankfully.

I jump over to my calendar which hangs on my door. Yep, it really is my birthday today!

I go to my closet and pick out the outfit I decided on a week in advance. I knew exactly what I wanted to wear.

When I leave my dorm and head down to the common room, I see all of my friends there; Sofia, Leona, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and the twins.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" they all yell.

I smile, "Thanks guys!"

We head over to the Great Hall and I realize that someone is missing.

"Where's Cedric?" I ask the nearest person to me which happens to be Ron.

"I dunno," he shrugs. The twins start giggling but when I look over to them they immediately stop and shrug.

"Why were you expecting him to be here?" Hermione asks.

"I just thought- y'know, he would be here. We've been best friends since first year..."

"No idea," Ginny, Sofia and Leona say, speeding up in front of me to go into the Great Hall.

I go over to sit next to Cedric at the Hufflepuff table.


"I'm a little busy today, do you mind if we don't hang out today?" he asks suddenly.

"Bu-busy with what?" I ask.

"Um... personal much? I don't have to tell you."

I am so confused. This is Cedric. My best friend. My forever. Why is he suddenly so cold toward me?

"I- um. You do realize it's y'know, my birthday right?" I ask, pushing some of his friends aside and sitting next to him.

"Oh it is? Well that's fun I guess. I gotta go. Bye person I don't know who wants to talk to me." Then he gets up, grabs his books and leaves the Great Hall.

I stood there with my mouth open in shock. I decide to go to the Gryffindor table as that is where most of my friends are.

"Do you guys know what's wrong with Cedric?" I ask, plopping myself down next to Sofia.

"No idea," they all say.

Whatever, I think. I'm not going to let Cedric get in the way of enjoying my birthday.

The rest of the day I spend with friends and it's a great birthday, don't get me wrong. I just wish Cedric wasn't avoiding me the whole day.

We went to Hogsmeade, and they gave me the gifts and their cards. I love them so much and I don't want to seem ungrateful at all, I just wish Cedric was there to at least say 'happy birthday.' It was upsetting that after all we had been through, he wasn't there on my sweet 16 birthday.

After the long day, I am sitting at my desk in my dorm, reading a book. I suddenly remember that this was the book I had been reading during holiday break when I was at Cedric's house...

I'm hearing a lot of noise downstairs but I don't bother to go down to investigate it.

Suddenly the lights in my dorm turn off. I swing my head around and realize that my door is wide open. But instead of lights from the common room, it's pure darkness outside. I reach for my wand to have a light but soft hands cover my eyes.

Expecto Patronum || Cedric Diggory x Hufflepuff Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now