~ f o u r ~

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What a most unfortunate time for my roommates to come in.

"What were you two doing?" Grant, one of my roommates asks.

"We were just studying," I placed my books on my desk. "Remember? For all the tests we have tomorrow?"

"I forgot to study for that! Shoot!" Kyle exclaims suddenly. "Will you help me study?"

"Nope," I say. On a normal occasion I would have but they had just walked in on quality time with y/n. Besides, I am way too tired now.

"Yeah, no, that's your problem, Kyle. Ced even got himself a girl to study with. A cute one might I add," Grant gets into his bed and turns off his nightlight. "I'm with Ced on this one."

I scowl in the dark at Grant but don't say anything. Soon I fall asleep, dreaming about that day with y/n again.

**the next day**

Breakfast is buzzing. There's suddenly a huge crowd over at the Gryffindor Table, near the third year, Harry Potter. I wonder what it's about.

"What's wrong?" I ask y/n who's sitting right next to me.

"This," she shows me the Daily Prophet.

"Dangerous Murderer of 12 Muggles Has Been Spotted in Ducktown," I read from the paper.

"Yeah. No wonder everyone's freaking out. Ducktown isn't far from here."

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts do you?" I ask her as she takes the paper back.

She sighs. I have to say, she's really cute when she's worried.

I internally slap myself for thinking that.

"What was that for?" she asks.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You slapped yourself. Why?"

Oh gosh. I did it externally too.

"I just uhhh wanted to... make you laugh," I say, coming up with the worst excuse in the history of excuses.

"It's not entertaining to watch you hurt yourself, Ced," she looks up at me. Those e/c are killing me. I could get lost in them forever.

"Uhh right, sorry. I won't do it again."

She nods, turning her attention to her breakfast. "We have Defense Against the Dark Arts later today. Maybe Professor Lupin will mention it."

"Heh, yeah."

**Later that day**

"Heard we're learning about Boggarts today," she says. Her hair is wild having just come from flying class. We had made a stop by our dorms for us to grab our books.

"You think Sirius Black will be mentioned?" I ask.

"Everyone's worried so probably. Especially after the Fat Lady got attacked," she frowns.

I nod. That had been quite an unpleasantry to our afternoon. I had just come back from Quidditch practice. We are playing the Gryffindors tomorrow, our first match of the season.

As we reach the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom, we see a line of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors in front of what looks like to be a wardrobe closet.

y/n and I walk in slowly, placing our books in the pile on the nearest desk. I let her stand in front of me in line.

Soon after, a lot more fifth year Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors enter the classroom and the class begins.

Expecto Patronum || Cedric Diggory x Hufflepuff Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now