~ t w e l v e ~

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Almost 200,000 words in the English language and I couldn't even describe the holidays with y/n. That says something.

Not to mention all the new friends I made. The third-year trio and the Weasley twins. The latter are so funny it makes me jealous how many times they can make y/n laugh.

When we got back from the break, Professor Lupin came and spoke to y/n and I. He said that he could only teach one student at a time and unfortunately, because Harry had asked first, he would have to teach Harry first out of courtesy. y/n and I were of course fine with it and we wished Harry good luck so that one day, maybe he could teach us if Lupin never got around to it.

The next day at breakfast, there is a huge crowd at the Gryffindor table, and I am surprised when y/n told me it was around Ron.

"Apparently Sirius Black was standing over Ron with a knife last night!" she exclaims, running back to her spot next to me at the Hufflepuff table.

"Sirius? You mean the Sirius Black?" I ask.

"Yes, Ced," she takes a bite of her food."Imagine that. A dangerous murderer standing right over Ron. If Ron hadn't woken up, he would have died!"

"Yeah but why Ron?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Harry is the one he wants to kill. Why was he trying to kill Ron?"

"Maybe he was... getting to Harry?" she guesses, "I don't know though. That's a good question. But don't ask Ron that."

"Why not?"

"I reckon he's enjoying the attention," she looks over at Ron who had a bunch of people crowded around him.

"Well, he can take them. I don't like all the girls around me all the time," I scoff.

She looks at me and smirks.

"Except for you of course," I kiss her cheek and she turns visibly red but is smiling nonetheless.

"So! What are our plans for tomorrow?" she asks innocently. Tomorrow is y/n's birthday and I have been planning something. But I may need some help from the twins as it is related to a prank.

"I dunno," I shrug. I side-glance at her smoothly. She looks upset. But I know that she'll be happy tomorrow.

I grin to myself.

Dear y/n,
I know you're probably upset, but I wouldn't worry. Your wonderful erm... best friend(?) has something really great planned out for you. So don't you worry 'bout a thing. ;)
Your Ceddy.

a/n: sorry for the short and kinda awful chapter. I honestly didn't know how to follow the last chapter because that one was pretty eventful. I will be coming out with y/n's birthday chapter in two days but until then, if you enjoyed this chapter, please consider voting/commenting! ~ Chloe

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