~ t h r e e ~

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Ced is acting weird for no reason. I don't really understand why. I wanted to think about it more but I had to get ready for our first girls only sleepover in a while. I head up to my dorm to get into some comfortable clothes and start heading over to Gryffindor Tower and reach Sofia's dorm.

I knock on her door tentatively.

"Who's there?" a male's voice says. My stomach drops. I should have known. Of course it's not going to be a girl's only sleepover. My luck today is already awful. My best friend is mad at me and a girl's only sleepover isn't even possible.

"That should be Leona or y/n," Sofia says. I hear her getting closer to her door.

"Hey y/n!" Sofia says, hugging me.

"Hey Sofia... What's Connor doing here?" I ask her shyly.

"Nice to see you too, y/n," Connor scowles. He has dirty blond hair, a little lighter than Cedric's. He's a Gryffindor like Sofia. His eyes are a warm milk chocolate brown but while the color was warm, it held fire at all times, except when he was with Sofia. Sofia kept him sane. I suppose she's good for him.

I ignore Connor and look at Sofia. "You said it would be a girls-only sleepover," I say accusingly.

"Sorry y/n/n. He came over to study," Sofia lowers her voice, "I can't just ask him to leave!"

"At least Leona and I can hang out," I sigh, sitting on her chair by her desk.

Sofia nods but she looks like she's hiding something.

Some small talk goes around between us three. Suddenly someone knocks.

"I'll get it," I say, not wanting Sofia to get out of her comfortable position, snuggling with Connor.

I opened the door, beaming as I did, expecting just one blond girl outside the door, only to be disappointed when I saw an additional brunette.

"Hey Leona..." I say, not even trying to hide my disappointment.

"Hey y/n!" Leona smiles, oblivious to my frustration. "Hope you don't mind that I brought Robin with me."

Robin's a Ravenclaw as well. His dark chocolate brown hair was slightly darker than Connor's brown eyes. His pale blue eyes remind me of Cedric's gray-

What was happening to me? Was I thinking of Cedric? Since when? I shake it off. He's just my best friend. Nothing else.

I snap back into reality when Robin says "I know this wasn't planned but I hope it's fine."
"I mean-" I stop myself, "yeah... yeah it's totally fine."

Leona and Robin walk into Sofia's dorm as I step aside to let them in. They place themselves on the floor across from Sofia and Connor who are on Sofia's bed. I sit back on the chair by Sofia's table and pull out my potions textbook to review the wit-sharpening potion for tomorrow's exam.

"Don't be such a loner y/n! Come sit with us!" Robin says. I look over at the spot on the floor next to Leona. Part of me wants to go there but the other part isn't interested in being a 5th wheel.

I close my textbook. "No, I'm good. You guys have fun."

I run out of Sofia's dorm, ignoring their calls for me to stay. I'm not crying, just very upset. I have no idea where to go. Then I remember.

If you do become a 5th wheel, you know where to find me. His voice echoes in my head like the sound honey would make if it made a sound.

That was weird. I'm never saying that again. Or thinking it. Ever.

I completely forget that he was mad at me before. I walk up to his dorm and knock. He opens the door slowly. Before I can say anything he nods and lets me in.

"I'm sorry, I should have listened to you," I say.

"It's really not your fault," Cedric closes the door. "I was starting to feel kinda lonely anyway."

"Where's everyone else?" I ask.

"What do you mean? Who were you expecting to be here?" he asks.

"Like all your friends. Who ever knew Cedric Diggory would be lonely?" I tease. A smile worms its way onto his face. A cute smile might I add.

Ugh it's happening again.

He'll never like you in that way. It's best not to get your heart broken, I remind myself.

"We both know you were the one I wanted to hang out with the most tonight," Cedric says. Was he blushing?

"Right uh- anyways."


"Yeah... studying."

"We can sit on my bed if you want?" Cedric suggests, realizing he doesn't have two seats at his desk.

"Uhh yeah sure," I jumped on his bed. He sits down next to me with his books.

We have been laughing and studying for a while. I really enjoyed spending time with Cedric.

As a best friend. Obviously.

"Well we finished studying!" Cedric says, closing his charms textbook.

"Yep," I say, smiling. I feel very prepared for tomorrow's two tests. "When are your roommates coming back?"

"Probably soon," Cedric says, frowning a little bit.

"Let's practice the patronus charm now shall we?" I say, picking up my wand again.

We practice for a little bit but don't really get anywhere. Suddenly Cedric's roommates enter.

"Whoa," one says. "Are we interrupting something?"

"Nope," I say, getting up. "I was just about to leave. We were just studying." I grab my books and leave as quickly as possible.

When I get to my dorm, I throw myself onto my bed, putting my arms over my eyes, thankful that my parents had requested for the school to put me in a dorm all to myself.

That was of course because they didn't want something to be revealed...

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