~ f o u r t e e n ~

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It's quite been a while since y/n's birthday. The past few months have been us jam-pack studying for our O.W.L.s which we just finished taking yesterday.

"Hey love, how are you feeling?" I ask, slowly stepping into y/n's dorm.

Her bedsheets are scattered, her pillow is damp with sweat. Her face is red from heat or some other source. Her blanket is on the floor, neglected. The sunlight is shining a bit through her closed curtains.

"Something's wrong. Something is going bad is going to happen today," she breathes heavily.

"What do you mean?" I ask, sitting on the bed next to her and placing my hand on hers. She's still lying down.

"This day is a bad day. Something's wrong. I don't know what it is," she looks shaken.

"Did you have a dream or something?"

"Flashes, not sure what exactly," she stops. "I'm probably overreacting aren't I?"

"I- I mean I didn't have your dream so I can't be sure," I say.

"Right, right. Probably just some... stupid dream," she sounds like she's trying to convince herself.

Later that day, Harry, Ron, Hermione, y/n, and I are having our weekly catch up sessions in the library. Lately, they have become more about finding and locating Sirius Black over normal light hearted hangouts.

"I walked out on Divination today," Hermione says proudly.

"I don't blame you," I say, "that class is awful."

"I, on the other hand, think it's important," y/n whispers.

"And she's making me do it," I roll my eyes and y/n looks away, distracted.

"Guys," Harry says. We all look at him. He had been quiet until now.

"Yes?" Ron asks.

"When I returned her crystal ball, she spoke a prophecy to me," Harry explains. "She said, 'He will return tonight. Tonight, he who betrayed his friends, whose heart rots with murder shall break free. Innocent blood shall be spilt and servant and master shall be reunited once moooooore.'"

"I knew it..." y/n says, turning her head to look at Harry.

"Knew what?" Ron asks.

"This day is not good. Mark my words," she says, picking up her books.

"Love, it's gonna be ok-"

"I'm going to class see you all later," before I can say goodbye, she leaves for her evening class.

"She's right," Harry says.

"Are any of you going to tell us what's happening?" Hermione asks.

"She said she was having visions... or flashes rather in her sleep last night. She says today's a bad day," I explain.

"Well, it aligns with what Professor Trelawney says so either they're both mental-" Ron starts.

"y/n's not mental," I defend.

"I mean... having visions in your sleep is pretty-"

"Shut it, Ronald. Finish your sentence," Hermione punches him.

"Ow! Ok! Or they're actually right and something bad is about to happen."

Part of me wants to go find y/n to make sure she's ok but she's obviously at class now so I decide to wait until she's done.

"Hermione, look at the time," Ron says after a while.

"Sorry Cedric but we have to go," Hermione says, checking the clock. "C'mon Harry."

"Cedric, do you want to come?" Harry asks as they get up.

"No I'm ok. I'll wait here for y/n. Her class ends in a half hour."

They nod muttering things along the lines of "I can't believe Buckbeak is gonna be..."

When y/n's class is over, I go to the classroom and wait for her to come out.

But she never did...

a/n: haiii! Sorry for the mini cliffhanger, I may update tomorrow as I already have that chapter drafted. We're almost at 300 reads so thank you so so much! If you enjoyed this chapter please consider voting/commenting! <3 Chloe

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