~ t e n ~

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My family and y/n were at the Weasley's residency once again for New Years Eve. All of the Weasley family was there including some family friends and other pureblood families who lived close and also very far from The Burrow which to my great displeasure included the Rutherfords.

I try my best to keep close to y/n that day. The Burrow was buzzing with people and almost everywhere outside was filled.

I had confronted my father about ruining every good moment I had with y/n for the past week. There were always those times alone when I felt the biggest urge to kiss her, not caring whether she liked me back or not. But whenever I had the chance to, father was always there.

"I know how you feel about her son," he had said.

"Well no duh! That's what I'm talking to you about!" I huffed.

"I am fully aware Ced. You didn't even need to admit it. I could easily tell," he replied.

"Ok so tell me why you keep interrupting us then!"

He looked around as if y/n was spying on us at that moment. "Because I want her to be your New Years kiss," he lowered his voice.

I stare at him in shock. I didn't know that father actually had big plans for me and he was fully ok with whatever that was happening between me and y/n. "I- I don't know. She probably just thinks of me as a best friend..."

"Son, I wouldn't worry about that. But," he shrugged. "I want it to be perfect for you two."

"T-Tell me what you have in mind," I finally gave in. He told me everything straight to the point.

The big day has arrived. The trio, y/n, and I find refuge in Ron's bedroom once again just like on Christmas day. Our friendship is incredibly strong at this point.

Eventually we are called down to enjoy the party. I recognize a lot of kids from school there, everyone enjoying themselves and getting ready to celebrate the beginning of a new year.

For just one minute, I leave y/n to get us some water (we vowed that we would stay sober the entire night) from the kitchen and when I look back at her, I see none other than Donovin Rutherford standing next to y/n. He offers her a drink which she declines profusely. Then I see Harry step into the situation and push Donovin away. I sigh gratefully for Harry.

Two boys who I believe to be in our year and in Ravenclaw come into the kitchen. They don't notice me yet.

"Do you think she's going to say yes?" one asks.

"Probably not. Heard she likes Pretty Boy Diggory," one rolls his eyes. "Honestly he's not as good as Donovin. She deserves Donovin. He's actually going to treat her right."

Scowling, I realize these two boys are Donovin's friends. And since when did people start calling me "pretty boy Diggory"? I hate that name. I hope y/n never hears it or she'll think I'm full of myself.

I look at the boys who just noticed my presence. "I'll treat her right. Don't worry."

It wasn't until later that I realized what they had said. Does y/n Freeman actually like me? Could we really be more than best friends?

The idea escapes like a cloud of smoke when I come back to y/n, realizing she had told Harry to enjoy himself at the party and not worry about her.

"So... me being your midnight kiss? What do you say? In the Weasley boy's bedroom?" He asks her. My heart sinks. Surely she's not going to say yes?

"Which Weasley boy?" she says, smirking. My heart sets aflame. Was she really going to consent to this?

This is not how it's supposed to be. I'm the one who's supposed to be her New Year's midnight kiss. No. This isn't happening. I drop the water I was holding and run away.

I faintly hear her call my name but I ignore her. Everything is spinning. This is not a reality. This cannot be happening. I'm living in a movie, or someone's nightmare. Yes, that has to be it. With one minute to midnight, a girl I love who succumbed to another boy's midnight kiss... no.

Before I realize it, hot tears are pouring down my face. I never cry. Not when there's a lot of people around anyway. Not when it's not just y/n and I together in a room, me spilling all my worries and her comforting me.

I'm on the patch of land behind the Weasley's residence. I'm alone out here. The party is mostly taking place inside or out front.

I keep running, my legs taking me out while my brain doesn't know where to go.

Then I hear a voice behind me.

a/n: sorry for the cliffhanger lol. I'm going to be double updating today so the next chapter will be out this evening because I don't want to leave you guys on a cliffhanger for too long hehe. Anyways if you enjoyed this chapter, please consider voting/commenting. ~ Chloe

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