~ s e v e n t e e n ~

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Harry had explained everything to me, given that I was very confused why we were saving Sirius. Hermione also explained that Lupin is a werewolf which I had my suspicions about.

"Down by the lake when I was with Sirius, I did see someone. Two people to be exact. Those two wizards made the dementors go away," Harry sighs, looking at his hands while sitting against the tree.

"With a patronus?" Hermione asks, confirming. "I heard Snape telling Dumbledore. According to him, only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it."

"Trust me, I know. I've been trying this whole year. I never once managed to get a private lesson with Professor Lupin."

"It was my dad," Harry says confidently. "It was my dad who conjured the patronus with my mum."

"But Harry your mum and dad are-"

"Dead! I know," Harry snaps at Hermione. "I'm just telling you guys what I saw."

"Here you guys are..." I say, breaking the tension.

"You see Sirius talking to me there? He's asking me to come live with him."

"That's great!" I smile.

"I won't have to go back to the Dursley's... It'll just be me and him," Harry smiles happily.

"AWOOOOOO." A werewolf howl breaks the happiness.

"Let's go," Harry takes off running, Hermione and I following close behind him.

The white werewolf advances on past Harry...

"AWOOOOOO," Hermione howles.

"Hermione! What are you doing?" Harry and I ask.

"Saving your life!" she shoots back. "AWOOOOOOO."

The werewolf turns around toward our direction. It's dark eyes menacing and glowering down at us.

"Great now he's coming for us," Harry says.

"What do we do now?" I turn toward Hermione.

"Yeah, didn't think about that," Hermione starts turning around in the opposite direction. "RUN!"

I am breathless. My shoes hit dry dirt as I follow the two third-years closer to the lake. The wind rushes in my ears, pulling my h/c hair back as I try to penetrate the wind's defensive forcefield.

Hermione pulls us behind a tree where we try our best to hide from our transformed professor.

I feel the dark bark rub against my clothes and my scars which are now exposed due to the rips in my shirt.

We walk along the tree a full 180 and turn around. There is the werewolf. Suppose we didn't do a good job of hiding from him. He growls hungrily at us. Three meals for our professor. I didn't ever expect this to be the way we were going to die.

Despite my fear, I step in front of the third-years who are huddled together. I am two years older than they are. I am going to protect them. They are my friends.

Before I can cast a spell at him, Buckbeak the Hippogriff jumps in front of us and attacks Professor Lupin, scaring him off.

"That was so scary," Hermione breathes into Harry's chest. I knew she likes Ron but I still thought it was a cute moment. It reminds me much of Cedric and I.

"Professor Lupin's having a tough night," Harry looks at the direction that the werewolf had just run off to.

Leaves fly around our ankles aggressively. The trees rustle, as if struggling from an invisible force.

The three of us look up. A whole team of dementors are flying above us.

"Sirius..." Harry says. "COME ON!"

The three of us take off running to the Black Lake where Sirius and Harry from the past are. It's iced over.

"This is grueling," Hermione breathes.

"Don't worry. My parents will come. They'll conjure the patronus," Harry says confidently.
The three of us watch the scene.

"Right there," Harry points to a spot in front of us. "You'll see!"

His hand drops as nothing happens. Only dementors crashing in.

"Harry listen to me..." Hermione says, "No one's coming."

"Don't worry they will!" he insists. "They will come!"

The dementors close in on Harry from the past and Sirius. They're bellowing in agony. A rather familiar sound...

It hits me. The people casting the patronus' from Harry's memory aren't his parents. They're him and me! No wonder the boy who I had cast the patronus with had very similar features to Harry.

"You're dying," Hermione says. "Both of you."

Harry's rooted in his position. His green eyes are still staring at the place where he was convinced that his parents would be there to cast their patronuses.

"Cut the crap Harry!" I exclaim. "Not to be rude or anything but come on!"

I grab my wand and start running up to the place where he thought his parents would be. He runs after me.

I think of my happiest memory. Of every hangout with Cedric. That first kiss on New Years at The Burrow. Him asking me to be his girlfriend. All of it.




We raise our wands and I look back and smile at him.


A y/p/a erupts from the end of my wand while a stag out of his. Our patronus' shed light on the group of dementors who are pushed off of Harry from the past and Sirius Black.

The dementors are gone. Harry and I are hyperventilating as we lower our wands.
I had done it. I had produced a full-body patronus.

a/n: THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE BOOK! (: There's still a little bit left to go. Thank you for staying through it all! If you enjoyed it please consider voting/commenting. Tysm! ~ Chloe

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