18 - ...KILL 'EM ALL

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"Well, what do you know, it's Mr. Dunn!" Detective Gennery pointed to Jimmy.

"Don't stop. Please. He already knocked me out three times! He is a freaking animal!" Billy cringed at the sight of Jimmy.

"I'm stopping!"

Jimmy looked into the car that stopped. "You little freak of nature!" He faked a punch at the small time hood.

"Mr. Dunn, would you get in the car, please?" Gennery shook his head.

"Detective Gennery. I have twenty minutes to get to Nick, the loan shark's place."

"Why? Nick's?"

"He's holding Alex and my friend, Windy."

"Get the hell in!" Gennery tilted his head to the back seat.

Jimmy stared at Billy, one of the guys who started all this hell.

"Just get in. You'll never get a cab at this time of day." The detective made a convincing point.

Jimmy got into the back seat. "That Reston is after me. Shit, it feels like the whole goddamn city is after me!"

"Guaranteed the Nine is after you from what Billy tells me."

"What the hell is it with you and Killer, you little piece of work? Three times you tried to take me out!" Jimmy punched the back of the passenger seat.

Billy whipped around to counter the larger man. "Three times you knocked me out!"

"Really? Blame me? Fuck, no wonder they call you Brainless!"

"You know, shut the hell up!" Billy pointed to Jimmy in the back seat.

Gennery pulled Billy back before Jimmy thought about knocking him out again.

"You lured my girlfriend, drugged her and God knows what has happened to her since! And you are blaming me?" Jimmy thought about taking out his anger on the small time hood.

"Ease up, Dunn."

"The little fucker shot me, Detective. How would you like me to react?" Jimmy punched the back of the seat again out of frustration.

"Well, he is on your side now."

"What the...? How?" Jimmy looked to the detective waiting for his explanation.

"He has exposed Precinct Nine as corrupt cops. We don't have much time before they will attempt to take Billy and me down." Gennery drove quickly checking his mirrors for any tails.

"What the hell? The city seems to be coming apart at the seams." Jimmy sat back heavily into the seat.

"Just our little part of heaven that the Nine swore to protect." Gennery took a deep breath and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.

"You think it is contained to just those guys? From my experience, the circle is much bigger."

"Your experience? What? You're an ex-cop?"

"Ex investigative reporter."

"So....how big?" Gennery knew that investigative reporters were always threatened and even killed by those requiring silence for their dealings.

"Big." Jimmy looked out the window.

"You know this Nick guy is ruthless." Gennery looked into the rearview mirror.

"I have heard. But he won't be the big fish." Jimmy now appeared much more confident than their last meeting.

"You seem pretty sure about yourself. I thought you had a memory problem."

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