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Jimmy frowned. "Who are you?"

The older man simply pointed to the older woman. "She is Death and I...I am Destruction." He walked further into the warehouse to stand next to the woman.

"Oh, great. You two fit right in here." Jimmy scoffed. "Now that we know who you are, maybe I should ask what you are?"

"Honey?" Destruction handed the question to his wife.

"I thought you were Death and I was Destruction."

"Enough! My girlfriend just died and there are hundreds more dying here."

"Okay, young man." The woman stopped smiling. "My husband and I, well we...we find and ah...we."

"Wow, that told us everything." Windy snapped from the pressure of the day.

"Okay, we are someone's last hope." The woman spoke slowly.


"We specialize in missing women who are presumed to be headed into the sex trade industry."

"So, you are very busy?"

A simple nod from the woman. "Too busy. We traced six women here. Honey, go see if any of the ladies are here?"

The older man moved nimbly from cage to cage but did not immediately answer his wife.

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Since my cousin went missing in 1982. We just turned twenty-one and no one could find Claire. It seemed everyone just stopped looking after the first month."

"Did you ever find her?" Windy sat on a chair tired from the past couple of days.

"No, but we found another girl who gave us a lead. We followed it and found another girl. We never gave up but we know the cold dark truth."

"Yeah, a lot of that going on."

"Honey, we have two here!" There appeared to be optimism in his voice

"Excuse me." The woman ran, Windy followed.

"It's Alisha and Aila!" Destruction turned to his wife.

"They look very weak. Can you grab some water for them?" Windy looked back to Jimmy.

"Sure, Win."

Jimmy hurriedly made his way to the gathering. He knelt outside the cage looking in at the young twins. "Why do we do the things we do?" He then felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Lisa.

"Everyone has their reasons. Justified or not." Destruction walked out of the cage. "Walk with me."

Jimmy pushed himself to his feet, Lisa tagged along. The older man continued his search for the other four missing women they were hired to find.

"They are all weak and need medical help." Jimmy could barely look through the cage as they walked.

"We called the authorities before we entered."

"Some of the police are dirty here, the..." Destruction interrupted Jimmy.

"We do not call the police. There's dirt at every level." Destruction stopped. "What do people call you?"


"Well, Mr. Thick."

Jimmy chuckled. "It's Jimmy. And this is Lisa."

"Yeah, I know." He continued searching the cages.

"How do you know her name?"

"She has been missing for five days from a mall in Texas. Likely a spur-of-the-moment abduction. I am surprised she is still alive."

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