**Ways to Help

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If you haven't already, please read the last 3 chapters. It'll help you understand somethings about global warming. If you have already or haven't but think you know a lot about the topic, then you can read the following paragraphs.

So, we have a big problem.

As you might know, with big problems, you'll have to take small steps to stop it. And you might never stop it completely. Take racial injustice, for example. You aren't going to wake up and find that it's gone. It's going to take a long time.

This chapter is, actually, not going to be just about global warming. In fact, this is going to include all parts about environmental problems. (As you might know, this book doesn't cover all of the environmental problems. There is a lot to include). Also, this chapter will also give ways to stop these problems. Once you finish reading this list, check it out and find out what you think you can help with. Some might be beyond your powers (for example buying a piece of the amazon rainforest. That should be expensive), but you can find substitutes (like donating to a place that can buy pieces of the amazon). Here's the list.

1. The amazon rainforest is burning down. To stop this, you can

~Eat less meat. (If this doesn't make sense, check out the section on agriculture)

~Buy parts of the amazon

~Donate to funds that want to stop the amazon from burning

2. A lot of animals are endangered! To stop this you can

~Not hunt them

~Not eat them

~Call national parks if you see an endangered animal that's right next to the national park out the national park

3. There's a lot of Co2 in the air. To reduce the amount in the air you can

~Drive less, bike more

~Buy electric, hybrid, or (once they have some!), solar cars

4. There is a lot of plastic pollution. There will always be plastic in the ocean, but to reduce the amount that goes in you can


~Buy reusable things

5. Oil Spills. Sometimes, oil gets spilled into the ocean. This is deadly to the coral reefs and can kill fish and other sea animals. To help you can

~Donate your hair (or dog hair) to certain organizations. You will need at least three inches so people can use your hair to clean up oil spills. If you search up the words 'hair to clean up oil spills' then you'll find some organizations that can take your hair.

I know that the list was short and didn't cover all of the environmental problems, but it covered the main ones. Remember: These things won't be changed overnight. But if you spread the word about how to stop global warming, then people will start trying to stop global warming. Then, we'll have an green planet!

Also, I created an earth community. Join it at:


I also have another earth club with 77 members! However, it's not on Wattpad. It's on a chess site called chess.com. You can visit the club and if you want to, join at: https://www.chess.com/club/save-our-beautiful-planet

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