15. Mission PT.2

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Y/n and Nøkk were making their way to a side entrance they could use to sneak into the compound. To gain access to the facility, their was a keypad next to the door, but luckily their was also a guard taking a break smoking a cigarette.

The guard had his back turned to Y/n and Nøkk, so Y/n picked up the pace and went to attack the guard. Y/n made a fist and tapped the guard in the back hard knocking him out.

Nøkk: "Y/n, now what will you do if he decides to wake up?"

Y/n: "I have an idea Layla, just bare with me here."

Nøkk was confused and curious at the same time on how Y/n would get themselves out of this predicament. Those feelings went away shortly as she watched Y/n smack a rock against the guards face breaking his mask. The rocks impact had also caused the guards forehead to start bleeding.

Y/n: "And now i just lay him down with the rock underneath his forehead and there! Good to go!"

Nøkk chuckled.

Nøkk: "Ok enough games Y/n, search his pockets for a code already."

Y/n went for the right pocket on the guards pants because he always left what was important to him in there. There is was, a paper labeled "Keypad Password" that had the numbers "880305" on it.

Nøkk: "Hmm...that was fast Y/n, go enter the code i'll be right behind you."

Y/n asked Nøkk a question as he approached the Keypad.

Y/n: "So, why do you think they sent us here when they could have just flown a few drones in here instead?"

Nøkk: "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you why. So basically the compound has a device similar to an EMP. It detects any foreign or unregistered electronic device and disables them automatically so they sent us with this."

Nøkk pulled out a film camera that she would use to take pictures of any location she thought would be useful for when the day comes that Team Rainbow would infiltrate the base.

Y/n: "Harry is a genius i'll tell you that."

Nøkk giggled at Y/n as Y/n punched in the code. The door opened with a faint crack and they moved in. Nøkk immediately began snapping photos of vantage points guard locations and more areas the team could infiltrate.

Nøkk: "Cocaine and kids, what is wrong with people?"

Nøkk asked, as she took a photo of a cage containing two little boys and a table piled with packaged cocaine inside a small building.

Y/n: "Let's head towards that tall building in the middle, it seems like a good place to be when you're the boss here."

Nøkk: "Agreed, i'll take point you take some photos for me while i do so...please?"

Y/n: *sigh* "fine, only because i love you."

Nøkk laughed and gestured Y/n to follow her. She made sure to stay out of view from all the cameras and all the guards. Nøkk and Y/n made their way up to the stairs and there was a guard waiting for them at the top.

Guard: "Freeze! Who are you two?"

That question was never answered, Due to her quick thinking Nøkk rushed towards the guard and pushed him off the ledge sending him to his death.

Y/n: "I'm really hoping they'll buy that he fell because if they don't we are screwed."

Nøkk: "Sorry, quick thinking, not smart thinking!"

Y/n nodded in understanding and then nodded towards the door. Nøkk nodded back and signaled for Y/n to watch her back to make sure nobody would see them enter. Y/n followed that order.

Y/n P.o.v

I heard Nøkk enter the room, i check one last time to see if anybody was watching and to my surprise nobody was so i turned around. My hear skipped a beat or two when i saw Nøkk being held as a body shield by The leader of this organization. The leader had a golden knife placed on Nøkk's chest.

Leader: "You guys interrupted my nighttime coffee, what gives?"

He said laughing.

Y/n: "If you hurt her, there wont even be a body left when your guards come looking for you when you go "missing" you monster!"

(Couldn't think of anything intimidating sorry!)

Leader: "Aww, is big boy gonna cry? What if i did this?"

The Leader took his knife and stabbed Nøkk in her left leg, she cried out in pain and thats where I drew the line.

Nøkk P.o.v

As the knife plunged into my leg and I winced in pain I noticed that Y/n had become overwhelmed with anger due to his body movement . I don't blame him for whatever he is about to do but, hopefully he can cover it up like he did with the guard.

Y/n charged towards the Leader who dropped me to the floor, the Leader attempted to slice Y/n in the arm as he threw a punch, but unknowingly to the Leader, Y/n grabbed his hand that held the knife with his other and crushed it with enough force to break every bone inside of it.

The Leader groaned in pain as he dropped the knife onto the floor and Y/n grabbed him by the throat and held him up in the air, he planned to choke him to death. We had to make it look like an "accident" so I tapped Y/n in the ankle and waited until he looked at me.

Nøkk: "Accidental death remember?"

I managed to say, still feeling pain from the stab wound.

Y/n looked at me again and nodded. He looked back to the Leader who helplessly straggled in his grasp and threw him into the wall behind his desk. The impact made a painting fall down that revealed a secret shelf which contained a large amount of cocaine.

Y/n: "I hope you like cocaine, because you're about to overdose my friend. Grab a few blocks why don't you?"

Leader: "Why should I, what do i have to lose anyway?"

Y/n: "Hard way it is then."

Y/n said as he locked the door to the room.

Y/n approached the Leader and pulled his shirt and belt off. After that he pushed him into a chair and tied both of his arms up. Finally he grabbed the knife the leader stabbed me with and wiped my blood off of it.

Y/n: "Here is where it really pays to have a soundproof room, nobody will hear you call for help. Nobody will come to save you."

(NOTE: Sorry for the wait, I'm tired so i apologize for the grammatical/spelling errors. I'm going to bed so good night folks. Also, due to me never registering my email i can no longer even comment to speak with you all so thats a bummer! Oh well, expect the next chapter Sunday if i get a decent amount of reads on this chapter by then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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