13. Competition

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( (C/n) is your choice of codename! so choose wisely...or dont.)

Nøkk and Y/n walked into Henry's office where there were eight other operators already standing and awaiting instructions from Harry. The couple, who were still holding hands, was noticed by Harry himself.

Harry: "It's nice to finally have you to love birds join us! Line up with your fellow operatives and i'll start the instruction."

Y/n led Nøkk to the end of the line and let go of her hand. One could swear they heard a whimper escape from Nøkk's lips as Y/n released his grip, but even if that was so, it was drowned out by Harry who began explaining the activity they were to participate in today.

Harry: "Ok, so today we'll be doing somewhat of a team slash situation exercise and the way we'll be doing that is this."

Harry pointed to a whiteboard that had all ten of the operators code names written on it.

Harry: "As it is displayed here, The defenders team, which consists of (C/n), Echo, Warden, kapkan, and Jäeger. Will have one goal, and that goal is to keep their bombs active and to prevent the attacking team from deactivating them. Next is the Attacking team, Nøkk, Twitch, Montagne, Iana, and IQ. This team will enter the building and defuse one of the bombs using the defuser. One last thing, there will be two rounds, and the next round the roles will switch. Alright, enough chatter...go get your training rounds over at that table and get to your positions operators!"

With that being said, all the operators rushed to the table and took as much training rounds they thought they needed. After everyone was ready, Harry led them all outside and walked them off. About five minutes later they arrived at a building that was a replica of hereford base. Harry stopped in in front of the main gate which was open and turned to the crowd.

Harry: "Defenders, head inside, Attackers get ready to infiltrate the building in three minutes."

Harry said, walking towards a small room that contained a chair and a monitoring system with a big screen that was wired to multiple cameras to switch through that displayed the interior of the building.

Nokk p.o.v

Twitch, Montagne, IQ, Iana, and I were standing in a single file line waiting for the intercom system to sound and start the round, but then Twitch noticed that i was nervous.

Twitch: "Nøkk, it'll be fine, don't worry about him! I guarantee you there will be no hard feelings. Also, Just because it's his first time doesn't mean you go easy on him either!"

Twitch said as she bumped her shoulder onto mine.

It was not my first time engaging in this training exercise, it was true that i was nervous for Y/n, but i know he can handle himself! He's definitely as nervous as i am about shooting him then he is of shooting me...i hope.

I was interrupted by my thoughts as the intercom sounded a short alarm signaling the start of round one. Me and my teammates started sprinting towards the building, Iana and Montagne rappelled up onto the highest floor, IQ and twitch went to the soft wall at the basement and started preparing a breaching charge, and I circled around to the back of the building and broke the bottom of a barricaded door then crawled in undetected.

The "Bombs" were both upstairs so i headed to the stairs and saw a foot hanging out from a doorway. I activated my H.E.L and slowly approached the hidden person. As soon as i got to the doorway i saw who it was, Warden was crouched over looking at his phone switching through the cameras. I watched him switch to the camera that displayed the hallway was in and deactivated my H.E.L, He shouted after noticing i was directly behind him and turned around hoping to eliminate me before i could do the same to him.

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