7. Wait thats today?

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(NOTE: I edit/fixed? Chapters 1-6 and plan to do 7-9 tomorrow so re-read 1-6 or read on i dont care. just know im going to re-do this chapter and make it better along with 8 and 9!!!)

Y/n was woken up from his alarm clock, he got up and turned it off, then he looked at the date.

You: "October 31st so it's Halloween then?" He assured, but then he heard a voice coming from behind him.

Nøkk: "Yes babe, do you like my costume?"

(Note: This is not my artwork, it is drawn by nowajoestar, also please ignore the pictures in the background its a comic and i suck at editing photos

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(Note: This is not my artwork, it is drawn by nowajoestar, also please ignore the pictures in the background its a comic and i suck at editing photos.)

Nøkk unbuttoned the front of her costume to show her midriff and her thighs to Y/N (See image above just in case you somehow haven't noticed).

Y/n: "oh no! Doctor, i've got this...plague, why don't you come cure it for me?".

Nøkk: "Maybe later hon, you've got to dress up for the occasion too, so get dressed y/n."

You walked to your and nøkk's wardrobe and picked up a box laying on the floor labeled "Halloween costume" after that, you brought it to your bed and opened it up. You looked inside and pulled your costume out, it was a helmet that looked just like Tachanka's...lets just say you borrowed one of his, the other contents were a pair of spetsnaz camo pants, black combat boots, and two loaded bullet straps you planned to wear around your bare chest.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

Nøkk was finally done texting her fellow lady operatives, so you both left your dorm and walked to the cafeteria. While you and nokk were walking towards the entrance of the cafeteria, you were stopped by a man who appeared to be dressed as a skeleton.

Glaz: "Hey...Y/n and nøkk? that is who you guys are right? I cant really tell to be honest, you look just like Tachanka, but in his older pictures he's shown me."

Nøkk: "Yes Timur it's us, were you waiting for someone?"

Glaz: "Yes, you two in fact, i still owe you guys from that bet me and y/n made yesterday so i thought id come up with my part of the deal. Alright, first i have a question that may or may not be related...do you guys drink?"

You: "I never have but I've always wanted to try it."

Nøkk: "No, but same here I wouldn't mind giving it a go one day."

Glaz: "Perfect, ok so lets go meet up with everyone else in the cafeteria, c'mon guys!"

Nøkk and y/n followed Timur into the cafeteria, most of the operators were there, some had costumes and some didn't. Tachanka, who was wearing his regular uniform and helmet, had a crown on top of his helmet and wore a robe, he decided to come welcome the couple to the Halloween party.

Tachanka: "Hello lovebirds, and welcome to the party! I love your costumes the both of you, but y/n, my boy...its like looking at a reflection of my past self...well done comrade!"

Tachanka put a arm behind your back and nøkk's, he walked forward towards the group of operators huddled in the middle of the room. In the group you saw a few zombies, a robot, a knight, and a werewolf who was talking to a doctor that was shaking hands with a person wearing a sheet with eyeholes cut in it.

Tachanka: "Hey guys, the younglings are here, we can start the celebration now!"

Almost on cue, you saw Timur come out of the kitchen with a full cart containing bottles of strawberry vodka. He stopped at the center, then he took a bottle for himself and passed one to you, tachanka, and nøkk. All the other operators chose whether they wanted some or not, after that, Timur made an announcement.

Glaz: "These two have never drank once in their entire lives, but today that is all going to change for the better, lets drink to honor our two young and in love friends my comrades!"

A series of cheers and whistles could be heard throughout the room, then came the sounds of bottles being opened and clanked together. Nøkk opened her vodka and lifted her mask up enough to expose her veil, which she would most likely slide her bottle under to drink without showing her face, then she looked at you. You opened your bottle and looked at her.

You: "well...I'm kinda nervous what about you Layla"

Nøkk: "Don't call me by my name in public...remember dummy? And yeah i understand, i am too but you never know until you try it!" She said, pushing her bottle towards yours.

You touched yours with her drink then you both began drinking, after a few minutes both of you finished.

You: "That was pretty damn good, i think i'm going to Get myself another...want one?

Nøkk: "Sure babe."

You went and got another two bottles of vodka for you and nøkk, you looked over to Tachanka, he and finka were both passed out holding each other close at a table in the corner of the cafeteria, which already had many empty bottles laying on it.

(Timeskip 25 minutes)

After a few more bottles, you and nøkk were heavily drunk and so were all the other participating operators. What set you different though is you and Tachanka were both dancing on top of a table holding a bottle of vodka in each hand. Laughs came from all over the cafeteria, you were having a great time, but then a certain someone caught your attention.

Nøkk: "H-hey y/n *hic* lets go back to our r-room im *hic* tired as hell." Nøkk said, she was as drunk as you and clearly needed to go and rest.

You jumped off the table and stumbled forward towards her, then you picked her up and you left. Nobody really noticed because either they were drunk out of their minds or they simply weren't paying attention.

After a few minutes of walking you arrive to your dorm, you unlocked the door and went inside locking it behind you, then you sat nøkk on her bed. Nøkk took her mask and veil off then unbuttoned her top again, she took your helmet off then pulled you onto her bed and climbed onto you. She opened a box she had reached for that was hidden under her bed, you tried to read it, but you being heavily drunk proved it difficult, although you could make out most of the letters.

"C_ndoms...for your pro_ection". She reached her hand in and pulled out a clear rubbery object, then she began to pull your pants down with her free hand, whilst doing so the both of you embraced a kiss as your vision faded to black.

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