8. The next day

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Like any other day you were woken up by your unforgiving alarm clock, due to you slamming it, the mechanisms inside of the clock now caused the thing to ring faster than you could ever imagine. You went to slam your fist down onto it, but noticed your arm was underneath something...Nøkk was laying on top of it. But then something more alarming than your alarm clock came across your mind, you looked at nøkk's left gloved hand where she held the condom last night and it was still there, then you felt relieved.

Judging by her positioning you both most likely fell asleep before she could get your pants down enough. You've never had sex before, and neither has she, at least thats what dokkaebi told you for some reason, but you definitely wanted to be sober for your first time. Not only that but you've only been here for a week now and thats taking things just a little to fast for your standards. You got off of nøkk's bed and you heard mumbling coming from her as she woke up.

Nøkk's p.o.v

I heard the sound of y/n getting out of bed to turn the alarm off as i woke up, I drank way too much last night so I'll make sure to never do that again. I really don't remember what happened last night, but i feel something in my left hand. I look down and my eyes widened as I suddenly remembered, me and y/n were both drunk and he carried me back to our dorm, when we were inside, i pulled him onto my bed and climbed on top of him. After that, i reached under my bed and grabbed "this" which I secretly hid underneath my bed from y/n, although i did plan to use it one day, i wanted to wait until he grows more comfortable with his new home, just in case he plans on leaving. It was obvious that he has already seen this so i guess i'll come clean.

Nøkk: "y/n i kn-"

You: "I know what you're going to say Layla and I understand, we both had a lot to drink last night. I don't want to do anything that requires that thing yet, but i wont stop you from asking me a little later on down the road. Layla, you are a very attractive woman and you know that." Y/n said as he stroke his hands through my long brown hair.

He leaned in to kiss me but then we heard knocking at our door, y/n gave me my helmet, mask, and veil. I put all three of them on as quick as i could.

Nøkk: "Come in!" I said as i digitally unlocked the door with my phone.

The doors lock opened and the person who knocked at the door came in, it was Dokkaebi.

Dokkaebi: "Sorry for coming over so early...did I interrupt anything?" She said as a smirk grew on her face.

Nøkk: "no, no you didn't...but anyway, what did you come here for?" I asked.

Dokkaebi: "Well, y'know Vigil right? Chul? Yeah i've got feelings for him that i finally want to show to him, but i don't know how, and I'm kinda scared. I wanted to ask for your help seeing how you're already in a relationship with y/n, maybe i could get a few tips?

Your p.o.v

I didn't want to hear the females gossip, so I decided i would excuse myself and see whats up with my fellow male operators. I walked down the hallway towards Tachanka and Glaz's dorm, but then i got a call from my transceiver.

Caveira: "Hey y/n, boss said he wanted to see your interrogation skills are you free at the moment?"

You: "Yeah, I'm on my way to the interrogation room right now ma'am."

I turned around and headed down to the basement and entered the Interrogation room, which was at the end of a long dark narrow hallway. In the room sat a man tied to a metal chair with a dead look in his eyes starring right at me, nothing else was in the room but a one way wall of glass to my left and a ceiling light directly above him.

I closed the door and got another call from my radio.

Caveira: "This guy is resisting all of my harmless interrogation attempts, it is rumored that this individual has information on a white mask base hiding children and illegal substances. Before you turn all goody two shoes on me, let me inform you that this person was captured after losing a shootout to one of our squads at his hideout, a member of the squad that captured him reported seeing footage of him raping and then executing two children on a disk found in the hideout which happened just before that battle. So don't even think about going easy on him."

You: "Got it" i said, while cracking my neck, the mans eyes widened in fear for he knew what was to come next.

Caveira p.o.v

Y/n was a big man, very intimidating and very fitting for this type of job. I had no doubts that this loser would rat out that secret base Harry is so worried about because either it was going to be a long painful death, or just a painful one. He would not be forgiven for what he's done, you could tell by the look on y/n's face. It was filled with anger and hatred, all built up and ready to be unleashed. Y/n spoke.

You: "Those were children...You bastard! You are disgusting, i have nothing else to say to you. You are going to tell me where this base of yours is and then i'll make this quick, if you dont? Then you'll suffer like the insect you are."

Captive: "Heh...pussy."

You: "What?"

Captive: "Your a fucking pus-"

The man was interrupted by a a fist colliding with his jaw from below, y/n's uppercut sent the man and the chair a few feet back and onto the ground. Then the man spat a few teeth out and coughed up a lot of blood.

You: "Im not asking you nicely, do you like feeling pain friend? Because if you thought that was bad, then you got a whole lot coming to you! *laughs*

After y/n yelled at the captive i heard the door behind me open and i turned around to see who it was that opened it.

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